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Remixing News: Appropriation and Authorship in Finnish Counter-Media
Media and Communication ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-20 , DOI: 10.17645/mac.v10i1.4437
Olli Seuri , Kim Ramstedt

This article outlines a first attempt at analysing counter-media publishing through the lens of remix theory. We concentrate on two key concepts—appropriation and authorship—which have a permanent standing in the remix research literature. To support our theoretical analysis, we investigate the coverage of two cases in the Finnish right-wing counter-media online publication <em>MV-lehti</em>. Our findings enable new readings on the nature of both counter-media work and remix culture. In fact, counter-media publishing leans more in the direction of remix culture—which is based on the act of using pre-existing materials to produce something new—than towards traditional journalistic convention, with its rules and ethical guidelines. <em>MV-lehti</em>’s practice of combining and layering different material is discernibly political, often resembling media activism. Our study provides the argument that counter to the utopian democratising assumptions of remix culture, the proliferation of remix practices has also given antidemocratic actors the means to challenge collectively and institutionally supported ideas of knowledge and justice. Counter-media publishing is perhaps democratising in that it offers the means to participate, but these antagonistic actors also remix news to undermine liberal-democratic ideals and social justice. Evidently, remix practices can be co-opted for a reactionary agenda.



本文概述了通过混音理论分析反媒体出版的首次尝试。我们专注于两个关键概念——挪用和作者身份——它们在混音研究文献中具有永久地位。为了支持我们的理论分析,我们调查了芬兰右翼反媒体在线出版物 <em>MV-lehti</em> 中两个案例的报道。我们的研究结果使我们能够对反媒体工作和混音文化的性质进行新的解读。事实上,反媒体出版更倾向于混合文化的方向——它基于使用预先存在的材料产生新事物的行为——而不是传统的新闻惯例及其规则和道德准则。<em>MV-lehti</em> 将不同材料组合和分层的做法明显带有政治色彩,通常类似于媒体激进主义。我们的研究提供的论点与混音文化的乌托邦民主化假设相反,混音实践的扩散也为反民主行为者提供了挑战集体和制度支持的知识和正义观念的手段。反媒体出版可能正在民主化,因为它提供了参与的手段,但这些敌对行为者也重新混合新闻以破坏自由民主理想和社会正义。显然,混音实践可以被用于反动议程。混音做法的泛滥也为反民主行为者提供了挑战集体和体制支持的知识和正义观念的手段。反媒体出版可能正在民主化,因为它提供了参与的手段,但这些敌对行为者也重新混合新闻以破坏自由民主理想和社会正义。显然,混音实践可以被用于反动议程。混音做法的泛滥也为反民主行为者提供了挑战集体和体制支持的知识和正义观念的手段。反媒体出版可能正在民主化,因为它提供了参与的手段,但这些敌对行为者也重新混合新闻以破坏自由民主理想和社会正义。显然,混音实践可以被用于反动议程。