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Measuring Perceived Realistic Physical Threat Imposed by Migrants
European Journal of Psychological Assessment ( IF 2.892 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-04 , DOI: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000668
Jens H. Hellmann 1 , Pascal Schlechter 2 , Judith Knausenberger 1 , Michael Bollwerk 1 , Katharina Geukes 1 , Mitja D. Back 1

Abstract. Individuals differ in the extent to which they perceive threat imposed by out-groups like migrants. An established distinction in intergroup threat research is between symbolic and realistic threat. While symbolic threats concern a perceived menace against societal values, realistic threats jeopardize in-group members’ well-being more directly. Typically applied realistic threat conceptions explicitly include the aspect of physical integrity, but most empirical research captures only realistic economic threats, arguably also due to a lack of appropriate measures. Therefore, we have developed the Perceived Realistic Physical Threat scale (PRPT) with samples from Germany and the UK (total N = 1,391). Moreover, we conducted follow-up analyses with data from a subsample ( N = 473) of the initial UK sample. Factor analyses indicated an 8-item one-factorial solution for the PRPT scale. We further identified measurement invariance across samples and over time and stability across 21 months. We found convincing evidence for its convergent and divergent validity and for its predictive and, importantly, incremental validity, above and beyond the prediction of relevant criteria by other threat types. The PRPT scale appears to be a distinct, comprehensive, and psychometrically sound measure of perceived realistic physical threat, complementing the existing body of available measures.



摘要。个人对移民等外群体施加的威胁的感知程度不同。群体间威胁研究的一个既定区别是象征性威胁和现实威胁。虽然象征性威胁涉及对社会价值观的感知威胁,但现实威胁更直接地危及群体内成员的福祉。通常应用的现实威胁概念明确包括物理完整性方面,但大多数实证研究仅捕获现实的经济威胁,这也可能是由于缺乏适当的措施。因此,我们使用来自德国和英国的样本(总 N = 1,391)开发了感知现实物理威胁量表(PRPT)。此外,我们对来自英国初始样本的子样本 (N = 473) 的数据进行了后续分析。因子分析表明 PRPT 量表有 8 项单因子解决方案。我们进一步确定了跨样本和随时间推移的测量不变性以及 21 个月内的稳定性。我们发现了令人信服的证据,证明其收敛和发散的有效性,以及它的预测有效性,重要的是,增量有效性,超出了其他威胁类型对相关标准的预测。PRPT 量表似乎是对感知到的现实物理威胁的一种独特、全面和心理测量学上合理的测量方法,是对现有可用测量方法的补充。增量有效性,超出其他威胁类型对相关标准的预测。PRPT 量表似乎是对感知到的现实物理威胁的一种独特、全面和心理测量学上合理的测量方法,是对现有可用测量方法的补充。增量有效性,超出其他威胁类型对相关标准的预测。PRPT 量表似乎是对感知到的现实物理威胁的一种独特、全面和心理测量学上合理的测量方法,是对现有可用测量方法的补充。