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Efficient Configuration Calibration in Airborne Distributed Radar Systems
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-04 , DOI: 10.1109/taes.2021.3139431
Xiaoyu Liu 1 , Tong Wang 1 , Jinming Chen 1 , Jianxin Wu 2

The signal coherence on target is vulnerable toconfiguration perturbationsof an airborne distributed radar system where radar nominal positions are disturbed by unknown position errors to radar actual positions in three-dimensional space. This article copes with the configuration calibration problem of an airborne distributed radar system using several auxiliary devices in known locations, e.g., ground auxiliary receivers. To warrant parameter identifiability, for given transmitted signals from radars, two types of echoes are exploited, including the internal ones received by radars and external ones received by auxiliary receivers. The range measurements can be extracted from these echoes subsequently. The theoretical analysis claims that an identifiability condition for configuration calibration, precluding pathological configurations, is to have at least two auxiliary receivers when the location of one radar is known. Besides, configuration calibration is a highly nonlinear problem due to the coupling of position errors between two different radars and to the existence of second-order position error terms in the range measurement equations. We introduce the novel idea of auxiliary ranges to eliminate the second-order position error terms and the iterative fashion to handle the coupling in the methodology to enable the formulation of pseudolinear equations, thereby leading to the establishment of an algebraic solution for radar position estimation. Numerical simulations are included to corroborate the theoretical results and to demonstrate the superiority of the devised method in comparison with the state-of-the-art methods.


