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Tracking Accuracy of Signal Power-Independent Early-Minus-Late Code Discriminators
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-25 , DOI: 10.1109/taes.2022.3145299
Ryan S. Cassel 1

Code tracking is necessary for measuring the pseudorange between a navigation satellite and the receiver and subsequently for position and time estimation. In a real receiver, received signal power is generally not known perfectly and must be estimated using the correlation outputs. The code discriminator, whose output should be independent of signal power, must, therefore, be normalized by an estimate of signal power. This article derives the gains and tracking accuracies of normalized coherent and noncoherent early-minus-late code discriminators. The discriminator output variances are computed analytically, or approximated when an analytical expression is not available, and supported by Monte Carlo simulation of the correlation outputs. When the accuracy of the discriminator normalization factor is poor, tracking accuracy and tolerable jammer-to-signal power ratio can be significantly different than if signal power were known perfectly.


