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Oscillation Phenomenon in Trust-Region-Based Sequential Convex Programming for the Nonlinear Trajectory Planning Problem
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-25 , DOI: 10.1109/taes.2022.3153761
Lei Xie 1 , Rui-Zhi He 1 , Hong-Bo Zhang 1 , Guo-Jian Tang 1

The trust-region-based sequential convex programming (TSCP) method is designed to solve the nonlinear trajectory planning problem using successive linearization and trust region. The TSCP method has a good real-time performance suitable for onboard aerospace applications. However, the main challenge in practical applications is its poor convergence. In this article, we reveal an oscillation phenomenon, which is an important factor affecting the convergence. The main contribution of this article is threefold: 1) the oscillation phenomenon is proved to be an inherent property of the TSCP method for the nonlinear trajectory planning problem; 2) the oscillation condition that determines whether oscillation occurs is obtained; and 3) the oscillation-condition-based remedy to address the oscillation is presented. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed remedy have been verified via a complex reentry trajectory planning problem.



基于信任域的顺序凸规划(TSCP)方法旨在使用连续线性化和信任域来解决非线性轨迹规划问题。 TSCP方法具有良好的实时性,适合机载航天应用。然而,实际应用中的主要挑战是其收敛性差。在本文中,我们揭示了振荡现象,这是影响收敛的重要因素。本文的主要贡献有三点:1)证明了振荡现象是非线性轨迹规划问题的TSCP方法的固有性质; 2)获取判断是否发生振荡的振荡条件; 3) 提出了基于振荡条件的解决振荡的补救措施。所提出的补救措施的有效性和稳健性已通过复杂的再入轨迹规划问题得到验证。