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Response to the letter to the editor by Silva and Rodrigues
Adsorption ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10450-021-00334-8
Stefano Brandani 1 , Enzo Mangano 1

In their letter to the Editor Silva and Rodrigues assert that the apparent activation energy for a macropore diffusion controlled process should be similar to the heat of adsorption. This is true only for a linear system. The system under consideration (CO2—13X Zeolite pellets) is non-linear, so the slope of the isotherm will depend on both the fractional loading and the Henry constant, both of which are temperature dependent. As a result, the apparent activation energy will be quite different from the heat of adsorption. The observed difference (27 kJ/mole vs 47 kJ/mole) is in line with this expectation and provides no evidence concerning the nature of the diffusion process. Silva and Rodrigues’ letter also raises three general issues that we address in this response.



Silva 和 Rodrigues 在给编辑的信中断言,大孔扩散控制过程的表观活化能应该类似于吸附热。这仅适用于线性系统。所考虑的系统(CO2-13X 沸石颗粒)是非线性的,因此等温线的斜率将取决于分载量和亨利常数,这两者都与温度有关。结果,表观活化能将与吸附热完全不同。观察到的差异(27 kJ/mole 与 47 kJ/mole)与这一预期一致,并且没有提供有关扩散过程性质的证据。席尔瓦和罗德里格斯的信还提出了我们在此回复中解决的三个一般性问题。