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Yusuke Kubota & Robert D. Levine, Type-Logical Syntax. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2020. Pp. xxii + 397.
Journal of Linguistics ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-05 , DOI: 10.1017/s0022226721000281

This terrific book is open-access! Everyone should download and read at least Chapter 2, ‘Hybrid Type-Logical Categorial Grammar’, which describes the approach in general terms, and then download whichever empirical applications are of most interest. Kubota and Levine report on a decade of heavy lifting in their efforts to develop Hybrid Type-Logical Categorial Grammar (Hybrid TLCG), which they use to study a range of constructions that will make the heart of any syntactician beat faster: gapping, stripping, various exotic types of coordination, pseudogapping, ellipsis, islands, and more. The handsome MIT Press book is lengthy, to be sure, at 397 pages; my copy weighs 742 grams. The cover has a lovely uncredited illustration that looks like Benoit Mandelbrot’s dream of a green octopus arm growing delicate yellow whiskers. The page format is almost square, so there is a wide margin on the right hand edge of each page. There are 12 substantive chapters, a brief conclusion, an appendix giving formal rules, a bibliography, an author index, and a subject index. Kubota and Levine are working within the tradition of Type-Logical Grammar. They emphasize the importance of syntactic categories by naming their approach (somewhat redundantly, in my view) Hybrid Type-Logical Categorial Grammar (see their footnote 3 on page xvi). I remain a bit puzzled about what motivates adding the word ‘Hybrid’ to the name, despite their comment on page 22 emphasizing that the logic handles both long-distance and local dependencies. In the type-logical tradition, the syntactic merge operation is articulated into two categorial connectives that encode linear order: ‘\’, which requires a complement to appear to the left, and ‘/’, which requires a complement to appear to the right. So the linear-order sensitive refinement of the verb phrase slept should beNP\S: the kind of expression that can combine with an NP to its left in order to form a sentence. The essential move that characterizes Hybrid TLCG is the addition of another variety of implication, written ‘↾’ (in LaTeX: \upharpoonright): neither leftleaning nor right-leaning, rather like the accent marks I used to put on my dictée in French class, hoping my instructor would assume I knew whether it was supposed to be grave or aigu. An expression in category S ↾NP, just likeNP \ S and S=NP, is


Yusuke Kubota 和 Robert D. Levine,类型逻辑语法。马萨诸塞州剑桥:麻省理工学院出版社,2020 年。二十二+ 397。

这本很棒的书是开放获取的!每个人都应该至少下载并阅读第 2 章“混合类型逻辑分类语法”,它概括地描述了该方法,然后下载最感兴趣的经验应用程序。Kubota 和 Levine 报告了他们十年来在开发混合类型逻辑分类语法 (Hybrid TLCG) 方面的艰巨工作,他们用它来研究一系列结构,这些结构将使任何句法学家的心脏跳动得更快:间隙、剥离、各种奇异类型的协调、假间隙、省略号、孤岛等。漂亮的麻省理工学院出版社的书很长,肯定有 397 页。我的副本重 742 克。封面有一个可爱的未经授权的插图,看起来像是 Benoit Mandelbrot 梦想的绿色章鱼手臂长出精致的黄色胡须。页面格式几乎是方形的,因此每页的右侧边缘都有很宽的边距。有12个实质性章节,一个简短的结论,一个给出正式规则的附录,一个参考书目,一个作者索引和一个主题索引。Kubota 和 Levine 在类型逻辑语法的传统中工作。他们通过命名他们的方法来强调句法类别的重要性(在我看来有点多余)混合类型逻辑分类语法(参见第 xvi 页的脚注 3)。尽管他们在第 22 页的评论强调逻辑处理远程和本地依赖关系,但我仍然对在名称中添加“混合”一词的动机感到有些困惑。在类型逻辑传统中,句法合并操作被连接成两个编码线性顺序的分类连接词:'\',这需要补语出现在左侧,而“/”需要补语出现在右侧。所以对动词短语 slept 的线性顺序敏感细化应该是 NP\S:一种可以与其左边的 NP 组合以形成句子的表达。混合 TLCG 的基本特征是添加了另一种含义,写为“↾”(在 LaTeX 中:\upharpoonright):既不是左倾也不是右倾,就像我过去在法语课上的口音标记一样,希望我的导师会假设我知道它应该是坟墓还是 aigu。类别 S ↾NP 中的表达式,就像 NP \ S 和 S=NP 一样,是 一种可以与左边的 NP 组合以形成句子的表达式。混合 TLCG 的基本特征是添加了另一种含义,写为“↾”(在 LaTeX 中:\upharpoonright):既不是左倾也不是右倾,就像我过去在法语课上的口音标记一样,希望我的导师会假设我知道它应该是坟墓还是 aigu。类别 S ↾NP 中的表达式,就像 NP \ S 和 S=NP 一样,是 一种可以与左边的 NP 组合以形成句子的表达式。混合 TLCG 的基本特征是添加了另一种含义,写为“↾”(在 LaTeX 中:\upharpoonright):既不是左倾也不是右倾,就像我过去在法语课上的口音标记一样,希望我的导师会假设我知道它应该是坟墓还是 aigu。类别 S ↾NP 中的表达式,就像 NP \ S 和 S=NP 一样,是 希望我的导师会假设我知道它应该是坟墓还是aigu。类别 S ↾NP 中的表达式,就像 NP \ S 和 S=NP 一样,是 希望我的导师会假设我知道它应该是坟墓还是aigu。类别 S ↾NP 中的表达式,就像 NP \ S 和 S=NP 一样,是