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The Steam Pumping Stations of the London Main Drainage, 1858–75
Industrial Archaeology Review ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/03090728.2021.1973226
James Douet

ABSTRACT London’s Main Drainage was one of a number of projects in Europe and North America in the mid-19th century to design and retro-fit a sewage network in cities struggling to cope with unprecedented health, sanitary and environmental problems caused by industrialisation. The Main Drainage was both the most ambitious of these, and the first in the world to be based around steam-powered pumps. They were used to lift very large volumes of human sewage, storm water and manufacturers’ waste so it would flow under gravity to beyond the limits of the metropolis. Once the plan had been approved, the Metropolitan Board of Works, led by its Chief Engineer J.W. Bazalgette, solicited proposals from leading foundries for how to pump the sewage, and the optimal size and configuration for the steam engines. Their suggestions formed the basis for the four pumping stations that were built. The largest, Crossness and Abbey Mills, were commissioned from a railway-station architect whose designs, despite the isolated locations, were highly expressive. Their construction and inauguration attracted enormous public attention, reflecting the high expectations of their sanitary and environmental benefits. These sites trialled the use of steam-powered pumps to raise sewage, a critical technological step in the history of urban systems, while their contribution to solving the Victorian sanitary crisis makes them of particular historical interest.


伦敦主要排水系统的蒸汽泵站,1858-75 年

摘要伦敦的主要排水系统是 19 世纪中叶欧洲和北美的众多项目之一,旨在为城市设计和改造污水网络,以应对工业化带来的前所未有的健康、卫生和环境问题。主排水系统是其中最雄心勃勃的,也是世界上第一个以蒸汽动力泵为基础的。它们被用来提升大量的人类污水、雨水和制造商的废物,以便它们在重力作用下流到大都市之外。一旦该计划获得批准,由其总工程师 JW Bazalgette 领导的大都会工程委员会就如何泵送污水以及蒸汽机的最佳尺寸和配置征求领先铸造厂的建议。他们的建议构成了建造四个泵站的基础。最大的 Crossness 和 Abbey Mills 是由一位火车站建筑师委托设计的,尽管地点偏僻,但他的设计却极具表现力。他们的建设和落成引起了公众的极大关注,反映了他们对卫生和环境效益的高度期望。这些地点尝试使用蒸汽动力泵来提高污水,这是城市系统历史上的关键技术步骤,而它们对解决维多利亚时代卫生危机的贡献使它们具有特殊的历史意义。他们的建设和落成引起了公众的极大关注,反映了他们对卫生和环境效益的高度期望。这些地点尝试使用蒸汽动力泵来提高污水,这是城市系统历史上的关键技术步骤,而它们对解决维多利亚时代的卫生危机的贡献使它们具有特殊的历史意义。他们的建设和落成引起了公众的极大关注,反映了他们对卫生和环境效益的高度期望。这些地点尝试使用蒸汽动力泵来提高污水,这是城市系统历史上的关键技术步骤,而它们对解决维多利亚时代的卫生危机的贡献使它们具有特殊的历史意义。