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Structures of the Proto-industrial and Early Industrial Age in Rijeka, Croatia
Industrial Archaeology Review ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03090728.2021.1892327
Nana Palinić , Adriana Bjelanović

ABSTRACT The proclamation of Rijeka as a free port in 1719, and the construction of the lazaretto (naval quarantine station) of St Charles Borromeo in 1725, initiated the economic and urban development of Rijeka, which grew from a small coastal town into a significant centre of manufacturing and industry. With the lazaretto and the largest factory, a sugar refinery built in 1750, the city’s first manufacturing zone was formed. In the second zone, along the Rječina River, in 1821 a paper mill was built, which in 1833 received the first steam engine, with which the industrialisation of the city began. This article describes the materials and structures of the industrial buildings that characterise this period. In proto-industrial and early industrial times, construction consisted mainly of massive stone and brick walls or masonry-vaulted structures. In the 19th century, buildings begin to adapt to the production processes, which influenced the development of a new architectural typology. The internal structures were made of wood, a readily available and inexpensive material, with which the builders already had extensive experience.



摘要 1719 年宣布里耶卡为自由港,以及 1725 年圣查尔斯博罗梅奥 (St Charles Borromeo) 的 lazaretto(海军检疫站)的建设,开启了里耶卡的经济和城市发展,使里耶卡从一个沿海小镇发展成为一个重要的中心制造业和工业。随着拉萨雷托和最大的工厂,一座建于 1750 年的糖厂,该市的第一个制造区形成了。在第二区,沿 Rječina 河,于 1821 年建造了一家造纸厂,并于 1833 年安装了第一台蒸汽机,城市的工业化由此开始。本文介绍了这一时期工业建筑的材料和结构。在原始工业时代和早期工业时代,建筑主要由巨大的石头和砖墙或砖石拱形结构组成。在 19 世纪,建筑物开始适应生产过程,这影响了新建筑类型学的发展。内部结构由木材制成,木材是一种现成且价格低廉的材料,建筑商已经拥有丰富的经验。