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Industrial and engineering heritage in Europe, 50 winners of the European Heritage Awards/Europa Nostra Awards
Industrial Archaeology Review ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03090728.2021.1903696
Keith Falconer 1

societies. Subsequent chapters document this continued growth through to the 1960s, with the CWS moving into financial and other services and needing ever-larger offices, warehouses and factories, and the retail societies expanding into department stores and, later, supermarkets. The CWS also set up its own chains of shops, under what was to become Co-operative Retail Services (CRS) to enable it to expand into areas of the country where there were no local societies. The buildings constructed by CWS were often of the highest quality, but, due to the independence of the local societies, in widely disparate architectural styles, which included some fine examples of art deco, moderne and modernist architecture and decoration. From the mid-1960s, however, the Co-operative model, with ‘brand loyalty’ founded on membership and dividends, began to lose ground to the expanding supermarket chains, whose less bureaucratic and more centralised management and distribution allowed them to operate with lower margins. Local societies closed or consolidated, and many were absorbed into the CWS, whose manufacturing enterprises largely closed, or by CRS. The number of larger shops declined and the emphasis switched to convenience stores, to the extent that, to the customer, the Co-op today appears little different from other retailers, with little hint of its ideologically driven past. Lynn Pearson does not attempt to describe the entire history of the Co-operative movement through its built heritage, but rather to demonstrate how it presented its values through its architecture. She describes in detail the growth of the CWS architectural team, as well as the contributions of other architects. In addition to the aesthetics, we learn something of the construction techniques their architects favoured, particularly the pioneering adoption of Hennebique ferro-concrete structural systems in the early 20th century. However, this focus on the public-facing architecture means we learn little about the Cooperative movement’s farms or the housing it built for its workers. We receive tantalising glimpses of the internal organisation of their stores (including those fascinating systems for moving money around), but not of their warehouses and factories. I suspect some readers of this journal might wish to learn more about how these buildings operated, and whether this was in any way different from those of businesses founded on less idealistic principles, but this is an architectural history, as proclaimed in the book’s title, not an archaeological study. It might also have been valuable to understand a little more about the role of the early Co-ops in the educational and social lives of their communities, alongside, for example, Mechanics’ Institutes, but that must wait for another book, perhaps. Liverpool University Press are to be congratulated in seeking to maintain the high standard of production to which we grew accustomed from Historic England. It is true that this volume is smaller in format than the A4-sized volumes that Historic England published to great acclaim, so the illustrations (and their captions) are reduced accordingly. However, the photographs, including many historic images from the author’s personal collection, combine with the well-researched text to create a fantastic resource for social as well as architectural history.


欧洲的工业和工程遗产,欧洲遗产奖/Europa Nostra 奖的 50 名获奖者

社团。随后的章节记录了这种持续增长到 1960 年代,随着 CWS 进入金融和其他服务领域,需要更大的办公室、仓库和工厂,零售社会扩展到百货公司,后来又扩展到超市。CWS 还建立了自己的连锁商店,后来成为合作零售服务 (CRS),使其能够扩展到该国没有地方社团的地区。CWS 建造的建筑通常质量最高,但由于当地社会的独立性,建筑风格大相径庭,其中包括一些装饰艺术、现代主义和现代主义建筑和装饰的精美例子。然而,从 1960 年代中期开始,以会员和红利为基础的“品牌忠诚度”的合作模式,开始在不断扩张的连锁超市面前失去阵地,后者的官僚主义较少,管理和分销更加集中,这使得它们能够以较低的利润运营。当地社会关闭或合并,许多人被吸收到制造企业基本上关闭的 CWS 或被 CRS 吸收。大型商店的数量减少,重点转向便利店,以至于在消费者看来,如今的 Co-op 与其他零售商几乎没有什么不同,几乎没有暗示其受意识形态驱动的过去。林恩·皮尔森 (Lynn Pearson) 并没有试图通过其建筑遗产来描述合作社运动的整个历史,而是展示它如何通过其建筑来展示其价值。她详细描述了CWS架构团队的成长,以及其他建筑师的贡献。除了美学,我们还学习了一些他们的建筑师喜欢的建筑技术,特别是在 20 世纪初开创性地采用了 Hennebique 钢筋混凝土结构系统。然而,这种对面向公众的架构的关注意味着我们对合作运动的农场或它为工人建造的住房知之甚少。我们看到了他们商店内部组织的诱人一瞥(包括那些用于转移资金的迷人系统),但没有看到他们的仓库和工厂。我怀疑本杂志的一些读者可能希望更多地了解这些建筑是如何运作的,以及这是否与那些建立在不太理想主义原则上的企业有任何不同,但这是一部建筑史,如书名所述,不是考古研究。更多地了解早期合作社在其社区的教育和社会生活中的作用可能也很有价值,例如,力学研究所,但这也许必须等待另一本书。值得庆幸的是,利物浦大学出版社在寻求保持我们从历史悠久的英格兰逐渐习惯的高标准生产。诚然,这本书的格式比《历史英格兰》出版的 A4 尺寸的书要小,因此插图(及其标题)相应地减少了。然而,这些照片,包括作者个人收藏的许多历史图像,