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Book notes: Communication Against Domination: Ideas of Justice from the Printing Press to Algorithmic Media
European Journal of Communication ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-16 , DOI: 10.1177/02673231211045280
Max Hänska

Max Hänska’s book Communication Against Domination: Ideas of Justice from the Printing Press to Algorithmic Media is devoted to bridging the gap between normative questions of justice and ‘how we ought to communicate with each other’ and empirical research into communication and information technology (blurb). It includes, on the one hand, philosophical analysis into the place of normativity in social science research by offering a normative analysis framework, and on the other hand, an attempt to apply this framework to what the author labels as three ‘technological epochs’ – ‘broadcast communication, the Internet and networked communications, and the increasing integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies into our communication systems’ (blurb). To this aim, the book is split into two main sections. Section I, ‘An Introduction to Normative Analysis’, ‘examines metatheoretical issues to provide a framework for normative analysis’ (p. 11). It consists of four chapters with self-explanatory titles: ‘Normativity, or what we mean when we say ought’, ‘Can the facts tell us what ought to be?’, ‘Why principles are fact-invariant?’ and ‘Communications against domination’. Section II, ‘Technological Transformation of the Normative’, applies this framework for normative analysis to three different technological epochs: ’That of broadcast communication, the Internet and networked communications, and the increasing integration of AI technologies into our communications systems’ (p. 11). It comprises three chapters on print against domination; platforms and networked non-domination; and machine intelligence and discursive control. Some of the questions the author tackles are:



马克斯·汉斯卡 (Max Hänska) 的著作《反对统治的沟通:从印刷机到算法媒体的正义理念》致力于弥合正义的规范性问题与“我们应该如何相互沟通”以及对通信和信息技术的实证研究之间的差距 (blurb) . 一方面,它通过提供规范性分析框架,对规范性在社会科学研究中的地位进行哲学分析,另一方面,试图将这一框架应用于作者所称的三个“技术时代”—— “广播通信、互联网和网络通信,以及人工智能和机器学习技术日益集成到我们的通信系统中”(模糊)。为此,本书分为两个主要部分。第一节,“规范分析简介”,“检查元理论问题以提供规范分析的框架”(第 11 页)。它由四章组成,标题不言自明:“规范性,或者我们所说的应该是什么意思”,“事实能告诉我们应该是什么吗?”,“为什么原则是事实不变的?” 和“反对统治的通讯”。第二部分,“规范的技术转型”,将这一规范分析框架应用于三个不同的技术时代:“广播通信、互联网和网络通信,以及人工智能技术越来越多地融入我们的通信系统”(第 10 页)。 11)。它包括三个关于印刷反对统治的章节;平台和网络非支配;和机器智能和话语控制。