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Book notes: Introducing Vigilant Audiences
European Journal of Communication ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/02673231211059242b
Daniel Trottier , Rashid Gabdulhakov , Qian Huang

economics and political economy, and journalism and communication studies by focusing on the topic of economic inequality and the media. As the editors Andrea Grisold and Paschal Preston explain, ‘Economic inequalities have become increasingly prominent in public debate in the last decade as sluggish economic growth, declining or stagnant incomes, high unemployment, and state policy regimes orientated towards austerity dominate many core capitalist regions, often with extreme turbulence in the political arena’ (blurb). The book focuses on the news media coverage of Thomas Piketty’s best-selling Capital in the Twenty-First Century in four countries – Austria, Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom in the 13 months following its publication. ‘The core agenda of the book is to examine some key features of the neglected links between how news media select, frame, and discuss issues related to economic inequality and how such storytelling relates to the specific aspects of the economic and public policies factors shaping the onward march of economic inequality in the long-run’ (p. 1). The book focuses on three sets of questions: ‘1. How do the news media identify, cover, and discuss economic inequalities?...2. In what ways do the news media discuss or explain the causes of economic inequality, and how do they define the optimal actions to remedy, reduce, or ameliorate inequality?...3. What are the wider implications of the key empirical findings and analyses emerging from our study of media coverage in an era of growing economic inequality?’ (pp. 7–8). The book is split into Introduction, eight substantial chapters and a concluding one. Chapter two explores the trends in economic inequality and news mediascape. Chapter three focuses on the mediatization of inequality. Chapter four reviews the literature on media and economic inequality. Chapter five discusses ‘issues related to media power, social semiotics, and the language of news media, including how CDA may be applied to journalism texts and practices’ (p. 19). The next four chapters then present the key findings from the empirical analysis. This is a well-structured, coherent and well-argued edited book.



经济学和政治经济学,以及新闻学和传播学,重点关注经济不平等和媒体的话题。正如编辑 Andrea Grisold 和 Paschal Preston 所解释的那样,“在过去十年中,随着经济增长缓慢、收入下降或停滞、高失业率以及以紧缩为导向的国家政策体制主导着许多核心资本主义地区,经济不平等在公共辩论中变得越来越突出,”政治舞台上经常出现极端动荡”(模糊)。该书重点关注托马斯·皮凯蒂 (Thomas Piketty) 在 21 世纪最畅销的《资本论》在出版后的 13 个月内在四个国家——奥地利、德国、爱尔兰和英国的新闻媒体报道。“这本书的核心议程是研究新闻媒体如何选择、构建和讨论与经济不平等有关的问题,以及这种讲故事如何与塑造从长远来看,经济不平等的进一步发展”(第 1 页)。这本书着重于三组问题:'1。新闻媒体如何识别、报道和讨论经济不平等?...2。新闻媒体以何种方式讨论或解释经济不平等的原因,以及他们如何定义补救、减少或改善不平等的最佳行动?...3。在经济不平等日益加剧的时代,我们对媒体报道的研究中出现的关键实证结果和分析有哪些更广泛的影响?(第 7-8 页)。本书分为引言、八个实质性章节和一个结语。第二章探讨了经济不平等和新闻媒体景观的趋势。第三章关注不平等的中介化。第四章回顾了有关媒体和经济不平等的文献。第五章讨论“与媒体权力、社会符号学和新闻媒体语言相关的问题,包括 CDA 如何应用于新闻文本和实践”(第 19 页)。接下来的四章介绍了实证分析的主要发现。这是一本结构合理、条理清晰、经过充分论证的书。第四章回顾了有关媒体和经济不平等的文献。第五章讨论“与媒体权力、社会符号学和新闻媒体语言相关的问题,包括 CDA 如何应用于新闻文本和实践”(第 19 页)。接下来的四章介绍了实证分析的主要发现。这是一本结构合理、条理清晰、经过充分论证的书。第四章回顾了有关媒体和经济不平等的文献。第五章讨论“与媒体权力、社会符号学和新闻媒体语言相关的问题,包括 CDA 如何应用于新闻文本和实践”(第 19 页)。接下来的四章介绍了实证分析的主要发现。这是一本结构合理、条理清晰、经过充分论证的书。