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The Origin and Dispersal of Uralic: Distributional Typological View
Annual Review of Linguistics ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-14 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-linguistics-011619-030405
Johanna Nichols 1, 2, 3

Recent progress in comparative linguistics, distributional typology, and linguistic geography allows a unified model of Uralic prehistory to take shape. Proto-Uralic first introduced an eastern grammatical profile to central and western Eurasia, where it has remained quite stable. Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Uralic had no connection, either genealogical or areal, until the spreading Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-European came into contact with the already-diverged branches of Uralic about 4,000 years ago. A severe and widespread drought beginning about 4,200 years ago cleared the way for a rapid spread of Uralic-speaking people along the Volga and across southwestern Siberia. It also contributed to the sudden rise of the Seima-Turbino bronze-trading complex, one component of the Uralic spread mechanism. After the initial spread, the Uralic daughter languages retained their Volga homelands remarkably stably while also extending far to the north in a recurrent Eurasian pattern.



比较语言学、分布类型学和语言地理学的最新进展使乌拉尔史前史的统一模型得以形成。原始乌拉尔语首先将东方语法轮廓引入欧亚大陆中部和西部,并一直保持相当稳定。直到大约 4000 年前,印欧语系的印度-伊朗语支与乌拉尔语支已经分道扬镳之前,原始印欧语和原始乌拉尔语都没有任何联系,无论是宗谱还是地域。大约 4,200 年前开始的一场严重而广泛的干旱为说乌拉尔语的人沿着伏尔加河和西伯利亚西南部迅速蔓延扫清了道路。它还促成了塞马-图尔比诺青铜交易综合体的突然兴起,这是乌拉尔扩散机制的一个组成部分。在最初的传播之后,