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Book review: Karen Sullivan, Mixed Metaphors: Their Use and Abuse
Discourse Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-01 , DOI: 10.1177/14614456211027995e
Dali Hong 1

off the volume by encouraging scholars to reflect on how they could use their CDA/S work to “counter oppressive regimes, human rights abuses, policies or laws that discriminate against sexual orientation or gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and nationality” (p. 381). All in all, this informative and thought-provoking volume is an up-to-date contribution to the existing literature with a concentration on a systematic and multi-faceted overview of CDA/S. The most innovative part of this volume lies in its enlightenment of how CDA/S scholars move beyond the boundaries of academia to make the world a more equal and peaceful place. One very minor issue which does not undermine the quality of the volume is a few editing errors (e.g. a missing comma between “Fowler” and “Hodge” on p. 8). With an abundance of theoretical and analytical approaches for future CDA/S researches, this volume can be recommended as a valuable read to lay readers, researchers, and postgraduate students interested in the areas of CDA/S.


书评:Karen Sullivan,混合隐喻:他们的使用和滥用

通过鼓励学者思考他们如何利用他们的 CDA/S 工作来“反击歧视性取向或性别、种族、民族、宗教和国籍的压迫性政权、侵犯人权行为、政策或法律”(p . 381). 总而言之,这本内容丰富且发人深省的书是对现有文献的最新贡献,重点是对 CDA/S 进行系统和多方面的概述。本卷最具创新性的部分在于它对 CDA/S 学者如何超越学术界的界限以使世界变得更加平等与和平的启示。一个不影响该卷质量的小问题是一些编辑错误(例如,第 8 页的“Fowler”和“Hodge”之间缺少逗号)。