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Evidence of Delayed, Recursive Benefits of Self-Affirmation on Anxiety in Socially Anxious University Students
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology ( IF 1.844 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-01 , DOI: 10.1521/jscp.2021.40.6.534
Karen O'Brien , Alyse Sukovieff , Edward A. Johnson 1

Introduction: Persons with social anxiety disorder (SAD) often experience social interactions as threatening and commonly avoid them or perform poorly in them (Asher et al., 2017). Self-affirmation is an intervention shown to help individuals engage effectively in situations they perceive as threatening (Sherman & Hartson, 2011). We hypothesized that self-affirmation would allow socially anxious individuals to participate in more social activities, do so more effectively, and with less stress and anxiety. Methods: Following completion of baseline measures, 75 socially anxious university students were randomly assigned to complete a self-affirming or control writing task. They subsequently completed the Trier Social Stress Test for Groups (TSST-G), and received SAD psychoeducation designed to promote social engagement over the coming month, after which they were reassessed on baseline measures of social anxiety. Results Self-affirmation demonstrated no benefit at the time of engagement in the TSST-G. However, at follow-up, self-affirmed students reported significantly less discomfort, anxiety, and distress related to a variety of social behaviors as well as more engagement in those behaviors, relative to baseline, compared with non-affirmed students. Moreover, significantly more affirmed than non-affirmed participants reported clinically significant reductions in symptoms of SAD at follow-up. Discussion These results help to broaden our conceptualization of self-affirmation and provide support for its potential utility in treatment for those with SAD.



简介:患有社交焦虑症 (SAD) 的人经常将社交互动视为具有威胁性,并且通常会避免社交互动或表现不佳(Asher 等人,2017 年)。自我肯定是一种干预措施,可以帮助个人有效地参与他们认为具有威胁性的情况(Sherman & Hartson,2011)。我们假设自我肯定会让有社交焦虑的人参与更多的社交活动,这样做更有效,压力和焦虑更少。方法:在完成基线测量后,75 名社交焦虑的大学生被随机分配完成自我肯定或对照写作任务。他们随后完成了团体特里尔社会压力测试 (TSST-G),并接受了旨在促进未来一个月社会参与的 SAD 心理教育,之后,他们就社交焦虑的基线指标进行了重新评估。结果 自我肯定在参与 TSST-G 时没有任何好处。然而,在随访中,与未肯定的学生相比,与基线相比,自我肯定的学生报告与各种社会行为相关的不适、焦虑和痛苦明显减少,并且对这些行为的参与度更高。此外,与未肯定的参与者相比,更多肯定的参与者在随访中报告了 SAD 症状的临床显着减轻。讨论 这些结果有助于拓宽我们对自我肯定的概念化,并为其在治疗 SAD 患者中的潜在效用提供支持。结果 自我肯定在参与 TSST-G 时没有任何好处。然而,在随访中,与未肯定的学生相比,与基线相比,自我肯定的学生报告与各种社会行为相关的不适、焦虑和痛苦明显减少,并且对这些行为的参与度更高。此外,与未肯定的参与者相比,更多肯定的参与者在随访中报告了 SAD 症状的临床显着减轻。讨论 这些结果有助于拓宽我们对自我肯定的概念化,并为其在治疗 SAD 患者中的潜在效用提供支持。结果 自我肯定在参与 TSST-G 时没有任何好处。然而,在随访中,与未肯定的学生相比,与基线相比,自我肯定的学生报告与各种社会行为相关的不适、焦虑和痛苦明显减少,并且对这些行为的参与度更高。此外,与未肯定的参与者相比,更多肯定的参与者在随访中报告了 SAD 症状的临床显着减轻。讨论 这些结果有助于拓宽我们对自我肯定的概念化,并为其在治疗 SAD 患者中的潜在效用提供支持。与未确认的学生相比,与基线相关的各种社会行为以及对这些行为的更多参与。此外,与未肯定的参与者相比,更多肯定的参与者在随访中报告了 SAD 症状的临床显着减轻。讨论 这些结果有助于拓宽我们对自我肯定的概念化,并为其在治疗 SAD 患者中的潜在效用提供支持。与未确认的学生相比,与基线相关的各种社会行为以及对这些行为的更多参与。此外,与未肯定的参与者相比,更多肯定的参与者在随访中报告了 SAD 症状的临床显着减轻。讨论 这些结果有助于拓宽我们对自我肯定的概念化,并为其在治疗 SAD 患者中的潜在效用提供支持。