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Timbre Vibrato Perception and Description
Music Perception ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1525/mp.2021.38.3.282
André Almeida 1 , Emery Schubert 1 , Joe Wolfe 1

In music, vibrato consists of cyclic variations in pitch, loudness, or spectral envelope (hereafter, “timbre vibrato”—TV) or combinations of these. Here, stimuli with TV were compared with those having loudness vibrato (LV). In Experiment 1, participants chose from tones with different vibrato depth to match a reference vibrato tone. When matching to tones with the same vibrato type, 70% of the variance was explained by linear matching of depth. Less variance (40%) was explained when matching dissimilar vibrato types. Fluctuations in loudness were perceived as approximately the same depth as fluctuations in spectral envelope (i.e., about 1.3 times deeper than fluctuations in spectral centroid). In Experiment 2, participants matched a reference with test stimuli of varying depths and types. When the depths of the test and reference tones were similar, the same type was usually selected, over the range of vibrato depths. For very disparate depths, matches were made by type only about 50% of the time. The study revealed good, fairly linear sensitivity to vibrato depth regardless of vibrato type, but also some poorly understood findings between physical signal and perception of TV, suggesting that more research is needed in TV perception.



在音乐中,颤音由音高、响度或频谱包络(以下称为“音色颤音”-TV)或这些的组合的循环变化组成。在这里,电视的刺激与响度颤音 (LV) 的刺激进行了比较。在实验 1 中,参与者从具有不同颤音深度的音调中选择以匹配参考颤音音调。当匹配具有相同颤音类型的音调时,70% 的方差可以通过深度的线性匹配来解释。在匹配不同的颤音类型时,解释了较少的差异 (40%)。响度波动被认为与频谱包络波动的深度大致相同(即,比频谱质心波动深约 1.3 倍)。在实验 2 中,参与者将参考与不同深度和类型的测试刺激相匹配。当测试和参考音的深度相似时,通常在颤音深度范围内选择相同的类型。对于非常不同的深度,只有大约 50% 的时间按类型进行匹配。该研究揭示了对颤音深度的良好、相当线性的敏感性,无论颤音类型如何,但在物理信号和电视感知之间也有一些知之甚少的发现,这表明需要在电视感知方面进行更多研究。