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The Need for Composite Models of Music Perception
Music Perception ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1525/mp.2021.38.3.335
Eline A. Smit 1 , Andrew J. Milne 1

In the article “Consonance preferences within an unconventional tuning system,” Friedman and colleagues (2021) examine consonance ratings of a large range of dyads and triads from the Bohlen-Pierce chromatic just (BPCJ) scale. The study is designed as a replication of a recent paper by Bowling, Purves, and Gill (2018), which proposes that perception of consonance in dyads, triads, and tetrads can be predicted by their harmonic similarity to human vocalisations.In this commentary, we would like to correct some interpretations regarding Friedman et al.’s (2021) discussion of our paper (Smit, Milne, Dean, & Weidemann, 2019), as well as express some concerns regarding the statistical methods used. We also propose a stronger emphasis on the use of, as named by Friedman et al., composite models as a range of recent evidence strongly suggests that no single acoustic measure can fully predict the complex experience of consonance.



在“非常规调音系统中的协和偏好”一文中,Friedman 及其同事(2021 年)从 Bohlen-Pierce 半音阶 (BPCJ) 量表中检查了大范围的二元组和三元组的协和评级。该研究旨在复制 Bowling、Purves 和 Gill(2018 年)最近发表的一篇论文,该论文提出,可以通过它们与人类发声的谐波相似性来预测二元音、三元音和四元音中的和声感知。在这篇评论中,我们想更正弗里德曼等人 (2021) 对我们论文 (Smit, Milne, Dean, & Weidemann, 2019) 的讨论的一些解释,并对所使用的统计方法表示一些担忧。我们还建议更加强调弗里德曼等人命名的使用,