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A numerical model of a zinc-para-benzoquinone membrane-free organic flow battery
Energy Reports ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2022.05.250
Feilin Yu , Akeel Shah , Puiki Leung

Organic flow batteries have received a great deal of interest in the past five years as potential candidates for large-scale energy storage, due to their low costs, abundant active materials and multi-electron transfers. Membrane-less systems are particular attractive given the cost of high-performance membranes such as Nafion©. To overcome known limitations, and to design and optimize new systems, modeling and simulation can play a vital role. In this paper, a two-dimensional transient model of a membrane-less zinc-quinone flow battery incorporating the conservation of mass, charge and momentum in the battery and reservoir is developed and validated. The performance is studied under the influence of different electrolyte flow regimes and variations in key parameters, in order to provide new insights and recommendations for further development of the system, as well as similar systems.



有机液流电池由于其低成本、丰富的活性材料和多电子转移等优点,在过去五年中作为大规模储能的潜在候选者受到了极大的关注。考虑到 Nafion© 等高性能膜的成本,无膜系统特别有吸引力。为了克服已知的限制以及设计和优化新系统,建模和仿真可以发挥至关重要的作用。在本文中,开发并验证了一种无膜锌醌液流电池的二维瞬态模型,该模型结合了电池和储层中的质量、电荷和动量守恒。在不同电解液流态和关键参数变化的影响下研究了性能,
