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Predicting anxiety, depression, and wellbeing in professional and nonprofessional musicians
Psychology of Music ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-03 , DOI: 10.1177/03057356221096506
Catherine Loveday 1 , George Musgrave 2 , Sally-Anne Gross 3

People working in the music industry report significantly higher levels of anxiety and depression than the general population, but to date, studies have not explored the differences between professional musicians and those who perform music primarily for recreation. In this study, 254 musicians from 13 countries completed measures of anxiety, depression, and wellbeing as well as answering questions about their professional status, level of success, and income. Across the whole sample, we found that over half had high levels of anxiety, and a third were experiencing depression. We showed that musicians who viewed music as their main career were more likely to have poor mental wellbeing and had significantly higher levels of clinical depression. Status as a solo or lead artist and perceived level of success also significantly predicted higher levels of anxiety and depression, and lower levels of positive wellbeing. We conclude that low mental wellbeing in musicians is the result of working as a professional musician, as opposed to being an inherent trait. Future work should explore underlying beliefs and perceptions of career musicians alongside other key factors, such as health behaviors and social support, with the aim of making specific recommendations to the music industries and educators.



在音乐行业工作的人报告的焦虑和抑郁程度明显高于普通人群,但迄今为止,研究尚未探讨专业音乐家与主要为娱乐而演奏音乐的人之间的差异。在这项研究中,来自 13 个国家的 254 名音乐家完成了焦虑、抑郁和幸福感的测量,并回答了有关他们的专业地位、成功水平和收入的问题。在整个样本中,我们发现超过一半的人有高度的焦虑,三分之一的人患有抑郁症。我们发现,将音乐视为主要职业的音乐家更有可能有较差的心理健康状况,并且临床抑郁症的水平要高得多。作为独奏或首席艺术家的地位和感知的成功水平也显着预测了更高水平的焦虑和抑郁,以及更低水平的积极幸福感。我们得出的结论是,音乐家的心理健康状况不佳是作为专业音乐家工作的结果,而不是一种固有的特征。未来的工作应该探索职业音乐家的基本信念和看法以及其他关键因素,例如健康行为和社会支持,目的是向音乐行业和教育工作者提出具体建议。