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Academic Outcomes Among Children Who Experienced or Were Exposed to Physical Abuse
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-02 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605221101185
Lynette M. Renner 1 , Kristine N. Piescher 2 , Nicole L. Mickelson 2

All forms of family violence may negatively affect a child’s development. However, research on child maltreatment is primarily focused on the child who is directly maltreated and does not often account for how other children in the family experience the abuse. The central aim of our study was to better understand how children’s direct experience of physical abuse and exposure to physical abuse influence their academic outcomes. Data were taken from the Minnesota Departments of Education and Human Services. The sample was developed from a population-level cohort of 8–10 years old children (N = 1740) from two groups: Child Protective Service (CPS)-involved (a child who allegedly experienced physical abuse or a child who was exposed to the alleged physical abuse of another child in their household) and the matched comparison. Exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) was also measured for CPS-involved children. School attendance and academic achievement were examined over 4 years. Descriptive statistics and Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) were used to answer the three research questions. Over time, declines in attendance for children exposed to physical abuse were significantly greater than those of their matched peers. Exposure to IPV for CPS-involved children resulted in further declines in attendance. Math proficiency of children who experienced physical abuse declined at a significantly faster rate than their matched peers. The decline in reading proficiency of both children who experienced physical abuse and children exposed to physical abuse was more significantly pronounced than that of their matched peers. Differences in math and reading proficiency were eliminated when IPV exposure was taken into account. Child protection workers and school professionals should be aware of negative effects of experiences of and exposures to child maltreatment and work collaboratively to provide academic support, counseling, and other interventions to support children’s academic stability.



所有形式的家庭暴力都可能对儿童的发展产生负面影响。然而,关于虐待儿童的研究主要集中在直接受到虐待的儿童身上,而通常不考虑家庭中其他儿童如何遭受虐待。我们研究的中心目的是更好地了解儿童直接遭受身体虐待和遭受身体虐待如何影响他们的学业成绩。数据来自明尼苏达州教育和公共服务部。该样本是从 8-10 岁儿童的人群水平队列中开发的(N= 1740) 来自两组:儿童保护服务 (CPS) 参与(据称遭受身体虐待的儿童或遭受家中另一名儿童涉嫌身体虐待的儿童)和匹配比较。还测量了参与 CPS 的儿童的亲密伴侣暴力 (IPV) 暴露情况。学校出勤率和学业成绩在 4 年内进行了检查。描述性统计和广义估计方程(GEE)被用来回答三个研究问题。随着时间的推移,遭受身体虐待的儿童的出勤率明显低于其匹配的同龄人。参与 CPS 的儿童接触 IPV 导致出勤率进一步下降。遭受身体虐待的儿童的数学能力下降速度明显快于匹配的同龄人。遭受身体虐待的儿童和遭受身体虐待的儿童的阅读能力下降比其匹配的同龄人更为明显。当考虑到 IPV 暴露时,数学和阅读能力的差异被消除了。儿童保护工作者和学校专业人士应意识到虐待儿童的经历和暴露的负面影响,并合作提供学业支持、咨询和其他干预措施,以支持儿童的学业稳定。
