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Contribution of a Cluster Approach to Identify the Profiles of Men Sentenced for Sexual Violence According to Their Risk of Reoffending.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-01 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605221104529
Ingrid Bertsch 1, 2, 3 , Catherine Potard 1, 3, 4 , Christian Réveillère 1 , Thierry Hoang Pham 2, 5 , Robert Courtois 1, 3

INTRODUCTION The aim of this study is to propose a typology of recidivism risk profiles based on the criminogenic needs of a population of men sentenced for sexual violence. Their socio-demographic, criminological, psychological, and psychiatric factors and vulnerabilities are compared. This classification will respond to the need for a better identification of the factors involved in the risk of recidivism of men sentenced for sexual violence, in order to develop more effective management. METHOD Several psychological and psychiatric scales (personality traits, impulsivity, cognitive distortions, empathy, and psychiatric disorders) were completed by 86 men incarcerated for sexual violence. Their socio-demographic and criminological characteristics were also recorded, and the investigator rated three recidivism scales for all participants. Results: Cluster analysis led to identification of two significantly different needs groups. In contrast to the "Lower needs" profile (n = 54, 64%), the men with a "Higher needs" profile (n = 32, 36%) were significantly younger and less educated had more adult and extra-familial victims, scored higher on Neuroticism and lower on Conscientiousness and Empathy, and presented with more past and current psychiatric disorders. DISCUSSION The overall findings of this study are consistent with the literature on the characteristics of men sentenced for sexual violence with high needs. The assessment and management of men who have committed sexual violence must consider: criminogenic factors, which should be prioritized; past or present psychiatric disorders, which may act as acute risk factors; and non-criminogenic needs, which should not be prioritized, but which may (when linked to criminogenic needs) impact the effectiveness of management.



简介 本研究的目的是根据因性暴力而被判刑的男性人群的犯罪需求,提出累犯风险概况的类型学。比较了他们的社会人口学、犯罪学、心理和精神因素以及脆弱性。这种分类将满足更好地识别与因性暴力而被判刑的男性再犯风险相关的因素的需要,以便制定更有效的管理。方法 86 名因性暴力而被监禁的男子完成了多项心理和精神量表(人格特质、冲动、认知扭曲、同理心和精神障碍)。他们的社会人口学和犯罪学特征也被记录下来,调查人员对所有参与者的三个累犯量表进行了评分。结果:聚类分析导致识别出两个明显不同的需求群体。与“低需求”概况(n = 54, 64%)相反,具有“高需求”概况的男性(n = 32, 36%)明显更年轻,受教育程度更低,有更多的成年和家庭外受害者,神经质得分较高,责任心和同理心得分较低,并且过去和现在有更多的精神疾病。讨论 本研究的总体结果与关于因性暴力而被判刑的具有高需求的男性特征的文献一致。实施性暴力的男性的评估和管理必须考虑: 应优先考虑的致犯罪因素;过去或现在的精神疾病,可能是急性危险因素;和非犯罪需求,