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Meet the authors: Laura Hsieh, Muryam Gourdet, and Geeta Narlikar
Molecular Cell ( IF 14.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2022.05.012

We talk to co-first authors Laura Hsieh and Muryam Gourdet, and professor Geeta Narlikar, about their academic journeys, juggling motherhood and lab work during the pandemic, their paper, “A hexasome is the preferred substrate for the INO80 chromatin remodeling complex, allowing versatility of function,” and the importance of remaining open-minded and unafraid to challenge the field.


认识作者:Laura Hsieh、Muryam Gourdet 和 Geeta Narlikar

我们与共同第一作者 Laura Hsieh 和 Muryam Gourdet 以及 Geeta Narlikar 教授讨论了他们在大流行期间的学术旅程、母亲身份和实验室工作,他们的论文“六体是 INO80 染色质重塑复合物的首选底物,允许多功能性”,以及保持思想开放和不惧挑战该领域的重要性。
