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Total joint replacement for osteoarthritis of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb: why and how?
EFORT Open Reviews ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-31 , DOI: 10.1530/eor-22-0027
Joris Duerinckx 1 , Frederik Verstreken 2

Total joint replacement has certain advantages over other surgical treatment methods for osteoarthritis of the thumb carpometacarpal joint, including restoration of thumb length and alignment, good cosmetical result, fast recovery of hand function and prevention of iatrogenic complications at neighbouring joints. Disadvantages include the technical difficulty to perform this surgery and a possible higher complication rate. A meticulous surgical technique is mandatory. Combined with a cementless and modular ball-in-socket implant with a metal-on-polyethylene friction couple, a 10-year survival rate higher than 90% can be expected. Revision surgery is possible with implant exchange or conversion to trapeziectomy.



与其他手术治疗拇指腕掌关节骨性关节炎相比,全关节置换术具有一定的优势,包括恢复拇指长度和对齐、良好的美容效果、快速恢复手部功能和预防邻近关节的医源性并发症。缺点包括进行这种手术的技术难度和可能更高的并发症发生率。细致的手术技术是必须的。结合非骨水泥和模块化球窝植入物和金属-聚乙烯摩擦偶,预计 10 年存活率可高于 90%。通过更换种植体或转换为斜方切除术可以进行翻修手术。