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Everyday childhood nature experiences in an era of urbanisation: an analysis of Dutch children’s drawings of their favourite place to play outdoors
Children's Geographies ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-30 , DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2022.2071600
B. F. van Heel 1 , R. J. G. van den Born 1 , M. N. C. Aarts 1


Direct childhood nature experiences have decreased rapidly over the last generations. Similar to the shifting baseline syndrome where new generations accept impoverished biodiversity as a new point of reference, we are at risk not only of having fewer childhood nature experiences, but also of accepting these diminished opportunities to connect with nature as the norm. This paper examines children’s experiences in, and perception of, nature in their day-to-day context. To this end, 1532 Dutch school children’s drawings of their favourite place for playing outdoors were analysed, including the elements that they indicated in their drawings as nature. The study shows that for Dutch children, these favourite places are often playgrounds in built environments and that, in order to counter this decrease in direct day-to-day childhood nature experiences, provision should be made for more natural areas in which children can play without adult supervision.




在过去的几代人中,直接的童年自然体验迅速减少。与基线转移综合症类似,新一代人接受贫困的生物多样性作为新的参照点,我们不仅面临着童年自然经历减少的风险,而且还面临着将这些与自然联系的机会减少视为常态的风险。本文探讨了儿童在日常生活中对自然的体验和感知。为此,我们分析了 1532 名荷兰学童绘制的他们最喜欢的户外玩耍地点的图画,包括他们在图画中表示为自然的元素。研究表明,对于荷兰儿童来说,这些最喜欢的地方通常是建筑环境中的游乐场,为了应对儿童日常直接自然体验的减少,
