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Long-term stream hydrology and meteorology of a Polar Desert, the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Hydrological Processes ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-30 , DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14623
Michael N. Gooseff 1 , Diane M. McKnight 1 , Peter T. Doran 2 , Andrew Fountain 3

The McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDVs; 77.50°S, 162.25°E) make up the largest ice-free region of Antarctica at ~3500 km2. Their position near the coast of the Ross Sea provides for a milder climate than much of the rest of the continent. Alpine and piedmont glaciers in the MDVs melt during the austral summer providing water to down gradient streams and terminal lakes on valley floors. There are currently 14 meteorological stations and 17 stream gauges operating across the MDVs, some with continuous records that go back to 1969. This relatively high density of monitoring stations reflects the fact that glaciers of different sizes and elevation ranges are the main source of water to streams. Thus, each glacier represents a different watershed. The bulk of these records start in the late 1980s/early 1990s. These data collection activities directly support research endeavours of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research project, as well as a host of other science groups working in the MDVs. As such, both real time data and archived data from these sites is available through the online database interface of the project (http://mcmlter.org).



麦克默多干谷(MDVs;77.50°S,162.25°E)构成了南极洲最大的无冰区,约 3500 km 2. 它们靠近罗斯海海岸的位置提供了比大陆其他大部分地区更温和的气候。MDVs 中的高山和山前冰川在南方夏季融化,为下游的梯度溪流和谷底的终端湖泊提供水源。目前有 14 个气象站和 17 个流量测量仪在 MDV 上运行,其中一些的连续记录可以追溯到 1969 年。这种相对高密度的监测站反映了这样一个事实,即不同大小和海拔范围的冰川是主要的水源。流。因此,每条冰川都代表着不同的分水岭。这些记录大部分始于 1980 年代末/1990 年代初。这些数据收集活动直接支持麦克默多干谷长期生态研究项目的研究工作,以及在 MDV 中工作的许多其他科学小组。因此,来自这些站点的实时数据和存档数据都可以通过项目的在线数据库界面 (http://mcmlter.org) 获得。