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Gender differences in effective use of land rights in South India
Land Use Policy ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2022.106212
Hulya Dagdeviren , Lianne Oosterbaan

In this article, gendered dimensions of land rights are examined for the first time with a focus on what we term as ‘the effective use of land rights’ with respect to land-related market transactions. The aim is to develop a more nuanced understanding of land inequality. Transactions of landed households are studied here with respect to land market (i.e. selling, purchasing and renting land) and other market exchanges that are necessary to extract the benefits from land as a productive resource (i.e. credit, labour and input markets). The research is carried out in Tamil Nadu, India. The analysis is based on primary survey data and semi-structured interviews. The findings show that female participation in land-related market transactions is associated with landownership by women, but only for specific transactions. Participation of women in land purchases, measured by the incidence of holding land titles, is greater than their participation in land sales. When women own land, their involvement in the management of farm labourers is higher but their direct access to credit and participation in agricultural inputs markets remains very limited. The Implication of these findings for national and international policy, especially for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is that legal reforms providing equal rights for women are essential but insufficient without open-ended efforts in multiple fronts, targeting regressive social norms and customs.



在本文中,土地权的性别维度首次被研究,重点关注我们所说的与土地相关的市场交易的“土地权的有效使用”。目的是加深对土地不平等的理解。本文研究了土地市场(即出售、购买和出租土地)和其他从土地作为生产资源(即信贷、劳动力和投入品市场)中获取利益所必需的市场交易。该研究在印度泰米尔纳德邦进行。该分析基于初步调查数据和半结构化访谈。研究结果表明,女性参与与土地相关的市场交易与女性的土地所有权有关,但仅限于特定交易。以持有土地所有权的比例衡量,妇女参与土地购买的程度高于她们参与土地销售的程度。当妇女拥有土地时,她们对农场劳动力管理的参与度更高,但她们直接获得信贷和参与农业投入品市场的机会仍然非常有限。这些发现对国家和国际政策,特别是联合国可持续发展目标 (SDG) 的影响是,为妇女提供平等权利的法律改革是必不可少的,但如果没有针对倒退的社会规范和习俗的多方面的开放式努力,这些改革是不够的. 他们在管理农业劳动力方面的参与度较高,但他们直接获得信贷和参与农业投入品市场的机会仍然非常有限。这些发现对国家和国际政策,特别是联合国可持续发展目标 (SDG) 的影响是,为妇女提供平等权利的法律改革是必不可少的,但如果没有针对倒退的社会规范和习俗的多方面的开放式努力,这些改革是不够的. 他们在管理农业劳动力方面的参与度较高,但他们直接获得信贷和参与农业投入品市场的机会仍然非常有限。这些发现对国家和国际政策,特别是联合国可持续发展目标 (SDG) 的影响是,为妇女提供平等权利的法律改革是必不可少的,但如果没有针对倒退的社会规范和习俗的多方面的开放式努力,这些改革是不够的.
