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Racial Socialization Messages in White Parents' Discussions of Current Events Involving Racism With Their Adolescents
Journal of Research on Adolescence ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-26 , DOI: 10.1111/jora.12767
Jamie L Abaied 1 , Sylvia P Perry 2 , Aya Cheaito 1 , Vanessa Ramirez 1

This study presents a thematic analysis of socialization messages about race and racism in White parents’ reports of their discussions with adolescents about current events involving racism (e.g., police brutality toward Black Americans). Two samples of White parents of primarily White adolescents ages 14–17 were recruited online in September 2019 (Study 1, N = 123) and June 2020 (Study 2, N = 104). Key themes included color-conscious messages, color-blind messages, endorsing equal treatment, and references to Whiteness. Rates of discussion in 2020 (79–81%) were double that of 2019 (40.2–43.4%). However, color-conscious messages were less common in 2020 compared to 2019, and references to Whiteness were rare in 2020. Color-blind messages were similarly prevalent across both studies.



本研究对白人父母与青少年讨论涉及种族主义的时事(例如警察对美国黑人的暴力行为)的报告中有关种族和种族主义的社会化信息进行了主题分析。 2019 年 9 月(研究 1, N = 123)和 2020 年 6 月(研究 2, N = 104)在网上招募了两个 14-17 岁主要白人青少年的白人父母样本。关键主题包括有色意识的信息、色盲信息、支持平等待遇以及提及白人。 2020 年的讨论率 (79-81%) 是 2019 年 (40.2-43.4%) 的两倍。然而,与 2019 年相比,2020 年注重颜色的信息不太常见,并且 2020 年很少提及白色。在两项研究中,色盲信息同样普遍。