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Celebrating Women in Electrochemical Sciences and Engineering (WIESE)
ACS Energy Letters ( IF 19.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-27 , DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.2c01026
Susmita Sarkar 1 , Debanjali Chatterjee 1 , Navneet Goswami 1 , Partha P. Mukherjee 1

Figure 1. Electrification of industrial and transportation sectors teamed with the decarbonization of electricity generation is one of the critical routes toward the realization of a low-carbon future. Electrochemical energy systems hold the potential to address the challenges associated with intermittent renewable energy generation. Energy Storage is also intricately connected to the three pillars of the clean energy transition: Energy Equity, Justice, and Resilience. By making clean energy more available, affordable, and accessible to all, electrochemical energy storage systems enhance energy equity while also promoting inclusive energy decision-making, which strengthens the principle of energy justice. Figure 2. Overview of the WIESE Webinar. This virtual webinar series comprises 14 speakers from industry, national laboratories, and academia presenting their views, perspectives, and research on a wide range of electrochemistry aspects. We have categorized them into four topics: Solid-State chemistry, Next-generation electrodes and electrolytes, Imaging techniques, and Industrial approach. Feedback was accepted both during the webinar and through our social media platforms to improve the quality of our events. “The Purdue ECS Student Chapter has faced the challenges of the pandemic with stride and a seamless transition from student-organized in-house seminars to fully virtual seminar series. Moreover, this chapter has managed to organize a total of 11 consecutive talks presented by female electrochemists from all over the nation, something that I have yet to see executed in any other conference/symposium/event. This speaks to the admirable tenacity of the student board members in the Purdue ECS Student Chapter. This Chapter has made all virtual talks available to the public, via active promotion and engagement in social media, which demonstrates their commitment to inclusiveness and making science accessible to all.” – Dr. Nella Vargas-Barbosa “The Purdue-ECS student chapter has demonstrated exceptional performance providing relevant content and professional development to its members. It was an honor to participate as a speaker in their seminar series. I was impressed by the engagement of graduate and undergraduate students. This group facilitates not only community for Purdue’s electrochemistry researchers but also mentorship and valuable career connections” – Dr. Rachel Carter “The Purdue-ECS student chapter provides a great platform for students to get involved in learning and discussing different aspects of electrochemistry. As a seminar speaker, I truly enjoyed stimulating discussions with the students and the faculty members from different departments.” – Dr. Nav Nidhi Rajput “I was very impressed with the student leadership. The students proved to be active, engaged, and organized. Likewise, the faculty is clearly engaged and supportive of the students and this chapter.” – Dr. Katharine Lee Harrison “The Purdue ECS Chapter Spring 2021 Webinar Series has done a wonderful job of highlighting the work of women in the electrochemical sciences and is providing an important venue for connecting electrochemical scientists from around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.” – Dr. Veronica Augustyn “I would like to congratulate the excellent leadership that the Purdue University Student Chapter Officers have displayed in running this Chapter of ECS. In spite of the pandemic and the restrictions levied globally, as student leaders you initiated the virtual webinar series and successfully conducted one webinar a week. This requires significant organization and collaborative skills to bring in speakers of eminence every week. And I am very impressed that the Spring 2021 webinar series will be featuring leading women in the area of STEM under the series title of “Women in Electrochemical Sciences & Engineering (WIESE)”. The intent of the student leaders of this chapter was to provide a platform to increase collaboration and networking and also learn from the experts. I am sure the expectation was more than met by the speakers you invited to the webinars. These types of events provide the students an opportunity to learn about the career choices they can make which is critical for students at both the graduate and undergraduate level. I would like to applaud your team for the outstanding skills they have shown in initiating and conducting the seminar series. ” – Dr. Judy Jeevarajan Figure 3. Social media influence on the webinar series. We leveraged the diversity of social media platforms, particularly Twitter, to increase virtual engagement in our Zoom meeting. S.S. and D.C. equally contributed to this work. Following are social media links related to the authors and the content of this paper. Twitter: @SarkarSusmita1, @_debanjali_, @Navneet__G, @ParthaPMukherj1, and @EcsPurdue. YouTube Channel for PurdueECS Chapter: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9FWTrqWDefvTn2fKH91tqw. We would like to thank Dr. Kelsey Hatzell, Dr. Nella M. Vargas-Barbosa, Dr. Rachel Carter, Dr. Nav Nidhi Rajput, Dr. Katharine L. Harrison, Dr. Rana Mohtadi, Dr. Veronica Augustyn, Dr. Johanna Nelson Weker, Dr. Hassina Bilheux, Dr. Nicole Vadivel, Dr. Rajeswari Chandrasekaran, Dr. Amy L. Prieto, Dr. Lakshmi Krishnan, and Dr. Judy Jeevarajan for their contributions to the WIESE virtual webinar series. We would also like to acknowledge support in part from the National Science Foundation (NSF grants: 1805656 and 1805215), the Electrochemical Society (ECS) Student Chapter at Purdue University, and the Energy and Transport Sciences Laboratory (ETSL) in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University. Views expressed in this Energy Focus are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of the ACS. This article references 15 other publications. This article has not yet been cited by other publications. Figure 1. Electrification of industrial and transportation sectors teamed with the decarbonization of electricity generation is one of the critical routes toward the realization of a low-carbon future. Electrochemical energy systems hold the potential to address the challenges associated with intermittent renewable energy generation. Energy Storage is also intricately connected to the three pillars of the clean energy transition: Energy Equity, Justice, and Resilience. By making clean energy more available, affordable, and accessible to all, electrochemical energy storage systems enhance energy equity while also promoting inclusive energy decision-making, which strengthens the principle of energy justice. Figure 2. Overview of the WIESE Webinar. This virtual webinar series comprises 14 speakers from industry, national laboratories, and academia presenting their views, perspectives, and research on a wide range of electrochemistry aspects. We have categorized them into four topics: Solid-State chemistry, Next-generation electrodes and electrolytes, Imaging techniques, and Industrial approach. Feedback was accepted both during the webinar and through our social media platforms to improve the quality of our events. Figure 3. Social media influence on the webinar series. We leveraged the diversity of social media platforms, particularly Twitter, to increase virtual engagement in our Zoom meeting. This article references 15 other publications.


庆祝电化学科学与工程领域的女性 (WIESE)

图 1. 工业和交通运输部门的电气化与发电的脱碳是实现低碳未来的关键途径之一。电化学能源系统具有解决与间歇性可再生能源发电相关的挑战的潜力。储能还与清洁能源转型的三大支柱错综复杂地联系在一起:能源公平、正义和弹性。通过使清洁能源更容易获得、负担得起和更容易获得,电化学储能系统增强了能源公平,同时也促进了包容性的能源决策,从而加强了能源正义的原则。图 2. WIESE 网络研讨会概述。这个虚拟网络研讨会系列包括来自行业、国家实验室、和学术界就广泛的电化学方面提出他们的观点、观点和研究。我们将它们分为四个主题:固态化学、下一代电极和电解质、成像技术和工业方法。网络研讨会期间和通过我们的社交媒体平台都接受了反馈,以提高我们活动的质量。“Purdue ECS 学生分会从学生组织的内部研讨会无缝过渡到完全虚拟的研讨会系列,从容应对大流行的挑战。此外,这一章已经成功组织了来自全国各地的女性电化学家的连续 11 场演讲,这是我在任何其他会议/研讨会/活动中尚未看到的。这说明了普渡 ECS 学生分会学生委员会成员令人钦佩的坚韧。本章通过积极推广和参与社交媒体,向公众开放了所有虚拟讲座,这表明了他们对包容性和让所有人都能接触到科学的承诺。” – Nella Vargas-Barbosa 博士 “Purdue-ECS 学生分会在为其成员提供相关内容和专业发展方面表现出色。很荣幸作为演讲者参加他们的系列研讨会。我对研究生和本科生的参与印象深刻。这个小组不仅促进了普渡大学电化学研究人员的社区,而且还促进了指导和宝贵的职业联系”——Dr. Rachel Carter “Purdue-ECS 学生分会为学生参与学习和讨论电化学的不同方面提供了一个很好的平台。作为研讨会的演讲者,我真的很喜欢与来自不同部门的学生和教职员工进行激动人心的讨论。” – Nav Nidhi Rajput 博士 “我对学生的领导能力印象深刻。学生们被证明是积极的、参与的和有组织的。同样,教师们显然参与并支持学生和本章。” – Katharine Lee Harrison 博士 “Purdue ECS Chapter 2021 春季网络研讨会系列出色地突出了女性在电化学科学领域的工作,并为在 COVID-19 大流行期间连接来自世界各地的电化学科学家提供了一个重要场所。” – 博士。Veronica Augustyn “我要祝贺普渡大学学生分会官员在运行 ECS 的这一分会时表现出的出色领导能力。尽管存在大流行和全球范围内的限制,但作为学生领袖,您发起了虚拟网络研讨会系列并成功地每周举办了一次网络研讨会。这需要显着的组织和协作技能,以便每周邀请杰出的演讲者。令我印象深刻的是,2021 年春季网络研讨会系列将以“电化学科学与工程领域的女性 (WIESE)”为主题,邀请 STEM 领域的领先女性参加。本章学生领袖的目的是提供一个平台,以增加协作和网络,并向专家学习。我相信您邀请参加网络研讨会的演讲者超出了预期。这些类型的活动为学生提供了了解他们可以做出的职业选择的机会,这对研究生和本科生都至关重要。我要赞扬您的团队在发起和开展系列研讨会时表现出的杰出技能。” – Judy Jeevarajan 博士 图 3. 社交媒体对网络研讨会系列的影响。我们利用社交媒体平台(尤其是 Twitter)的多样性来增加 Zoom 会议的虚拟参与度。SS 和 DC 同样为这项工作做出了贡献。以下是与作者和本文内容相关的社交媒体链接。推特:@SarkarSusmita1、@_debanjali_、@Navneet__G、@ParthaPMukherj1 和 @EcsPurdue。PurdueECS 章节的 YouTube 频道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9FWTrqWDefvTn2fKH91tqw。我们要感谢 Kelsey Hatzell 博士、Nella M. Vargas-Barbosa 博士、Rachel Carter 博士、Nav Nidhi Rajput 博士、Katharine L. Harrison 博士、Rana Mohtadi 博士、Veronica Augustyn 博士、Johanna 博士Nelson Weker、Hassina Bilheux 博士、Nicole Vadivel 博士、Rajeswari Chandrasekaran 博士、Amy L. Prieto 博士、Lakshmi Krishnan 博士和 Judy Jeevarajan 博士对 WIESE 虚拟网络研讨会系列的贡献。我们还要感谢美国国家科学基金会(NSF 资助:1805656 和 1805215)、普渡大学电化学学会 (ECS) 学生分会以及机械学院能源与运输科学实验室 (ETSL) 的部分支持普渡大学工程学。本能源焦点中表达的观点是作者的观点,不一定是 ACS 的观点。本文引用了其他 15 种出版物。这篇文章尚未被其他出版物引用。图 1. 工业和交通运输部门的电气化与发电的脱碳是实现低碳未来的关键途径之一。电化学能源系统具有解决与间歇性可再生能源发电相关的挑战的潜力。储能还与清洁能源转型的三大支柱错综复杂地联系在一起:能源公平、正义和弹性。通过让所有人更容易获得、负担得起和使用清洁能源,电化学储能系统增强了能源公平性,同时也促进了包容性能源决策,从而强化了能源正义原则。图 2. WIESE 网络研讨会概述。这个虚拟网络研讨会系列由来自工业界、国家实验室和学术界的 14 位演讲者组成,他们就广泛的电化学方面发表了他们的观点、观点和研究。我们将它们分为四个主题:固态化学、下一代电极和电解质、成像技术和工业方法。网络研讨会期间和通过我们的社交媒体平台都接受了反馈,以提高我们活动的质量。图 3. 社交媒体对网络研讨会系列的影响。我们利用社交媒体平台的多样性,尤其是 Twitter,增加我们 Zoom 会议的虚拟参与度。本文引用了其他 15 种出版物。