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Meet the First Authors
Circulation Research ( IF 16.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-26 , DOI: 10.1161/res.0000000000000555

Guozheng Liang is a PhD candidate under the supervision of Dr Stefan Offermanns at the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research in Germany. He earned his BS in Pharmacology at Shandong University and his MS in Pharmacology at Sun Yat-Sen University. He is interested in investigating novel components and mechanisms of flow pattern-dependent endothelial cell regulation, which can be used to develop novel strategies to prevent or treat vascular disorders. After work, he enjoys reading, cooking and traveling with his family.

Rulin Zhuang is a MD/PhD candidate at Tongji University School of Medicine in Shanghai, China, majoring in cardiothoracic surgery (mentor, Dr Zhongmin Liu). He is currently a member of Dr Mark Feinberg’s Lab as a joint PhD student in Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School. His main research interest is to investigate the role of T cells in cardiovascular diseases, with a goal of translating scientific discoveries to improve human health. He will pursue his clinical training this Fall with an aspiration to become a cardiothoracic surgeon. Outside of the lab he enjoys traveling and reading.

Dr Jingshu Chen is a postdoctoral fellow in Dr Mark Feinberg’s lab at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Her study in Dr Feinberg’s lab focuses on discovering novel gene targets that regulate the progression of cardiovascular diseases by using high throughput sequencing techniques. Her research interests also focus on the mode of actions of newly identified gene targets, and potential therapeutic interventions of these targets for treating metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Outside of work she enjoys hanging out with friends, playing music, trying out new restaurants and traveling.

Dr Hengwei Jin graduated from Nanjing University with a PhD in Biology and currently works in Dr Bin Zhou’s laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science, Shanghai, China. Her major research interests focus on understanding the cell fate plasticity and its function in embryo development, tissue repair and regeneration. She aims to specifically and efficiently trace different cells in the mouse heart by dual recombinase-mediated genetic approach, and endeavors to provide new insights on their cell fate and function. In her leisure time, she likes traveling with her family and playing table tennis.

Dr Kuo Liu is a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr Bin Zhou at the Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He earned his PhD under the mentorship of Dr Bin Zhou at the Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His major research interests focus on the cellular plasticity of epithelial progenitor cells during lung repair and regeneration. By using more precise genetic lineage tracing tools, he could explore the cell fate and function of lung progenitor cells in vivo. In his free time, he likes to stay at home and read novels.

Dr Yuanjun Tang earned her PhD under the mentorship of Dr Jing Zhou at the Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology in Peking University. Dr Tang’s major research interests involve using stretching models to investigate the proliferation and migration mechanisms of vascular smooth muscle cells under biomechanical stimulations. Outside the lab, she likes running and playing tennis.

Dr Thibault Michel is currently a PhD candidate in the cardiovascular endocrinology (CARE) group at Inserm UMR-S 942 led by Dr Nicolas Vodovar and an assistant professor in the intensive carse department at Saint Louis Hospital in Paris. His main focus of research is the role of neprilysin inhibition in various pathological context, including Heart Failure.

Dr Hélène Nougué currently holds an assistant position in the intensive care department at Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou in Paris and a research fellow at Inserm UMR-S 942 in the cardiovascular endocrinology (CARE) research group led by Dr Nicolas Vodovar. She earned a PhD in 2021 from Université Paris Cité, which focused on the mechanism of action of sacubitril/valsartan in Heart Failure with reduced ejection fraction. Her current research interests are the role of neprilysin inhibition in various pathological contexts and the role of microcirculation in shock.
