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Surgery rates for lumbar spinal stenosis in Denmark between 2002 and 2018: a registry-based study of 43,454 patients.
Acta Orthopaedica ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-24 , DOI: 10.2340/17453674.2022.2744
Rikke K Jensen 1 , Berit Schiøttz-Christensen 2 , Christian Volmar Skovsgaard 3 , Mathias Thorvaldsen 4 , Rune Mygind Mieritz 4 , Andreas K Andresen 5 , Henrik Wulff Christensen 6 , Jan Hartvigsen 1

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Over the last decades, many countries have shown increased surgery rates for lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS), but little information is available from Denmark. We describe the development in diagnosis and surgery of LSS in Denmark between 2002 and 2018. PATIENTS AND METHODS We collected diagnostic ICD10-codes and surgical procedure codes from private and public hospitals in Denmark from the Danish National Patient Register. Patients diagnosed with LSS and those with surgical procedure codes for decompression surgery with or without fusion were identified. Annual surgery rates were stratified by age, sex, and type of surgery. RESULTS During these 17 years, 132,138 patients diagnosed with LSS and 43,454 surgical procedures for LSS were identified. The number of surgical procedures increased by 144%, from 23 to 56 per 100,000 inhabitants. The proportion of patients diagnosed with LSS who received surgery was about 33%, which was almost stable over time. Decompression without fusion increased by 128% from 18 to 40 per 100,000 inhabitants and decompression with fusion increased by 199%, from 5 to 15 per 100,000. INTERPRETATION Both the prevalence of LSS diagnoses and LSS surgery rates more than doubled in Denmark between 2002 and 2018. However, the proportion of patients diagnosed with LSS who received surgery remained stable. Decompression surgery with fusion increased at a higher rate than decompression without fusion, although recent evidence suggests no advantage of decompression plus fusion over decompression alone.


2002 年至 2018 年间丹麦腰椎管狭窄症的手术率:一项针对 43,454 名患者的登记研究。

背景和目的 在过去的几十年中,许多国家的腰椎管狭窄症 (LSS) 手术率有所增加,但丹麦提供的信息很少。我们描述了 2002 年至 2018 年间丹麦 LSS 诊断和手术的发展。 患者和方法 我们从丹麦国家患者登记处收集了丹麦私立和公立医院的诊断 ICD10 代码和手术程序代码。确定了诊断为 LSS 的患者以及具有进行或不进行融合减压手术的手术程序代码的患者。年度手术率按年龄、性别和手术类型进行分层。结果 在这 17 年中,共确定了 132,138 名 LSS 患者和 43,454 例 LSS 手术。外科手术数量增加了 144%,从每 10 万居民 23 例增加到 56 例。诊断为 LSS 的患者接受手术的比例约为 33%,随着时间的推移,该比例几乎保持稳定。无融合减压增加了 128%,从每 10 万居民 18 人增加到 40 人;融合减压增加了 199%,从每 10 万人 5 人增加到 15 人。解释 2002 年至 2018 年间,丹麦 LSS 诊断患病率和 LSS 手术率都增加了一倍多。然而,诊断为 LSS 并接受手术的患者比例保持稳定。尽管最近的证据表明减压加融合术并不比单独减压术有优势,但融合减压手术的增长率高于不融合减压术。