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Labour migration in ASEAN: Indonesian migrant workers in Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Asian Education and Development Studies Pub Date : 2020-08-20 , DOI: 10.1108/aeds-02-2019-0034
Arisman Arisman , Ratnawati Kusuma Jaya

PurposeThe purpose of this article is to explain and share about labour migration for employment purposes issues from the perspective of a sending and receiving country in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (Indonesia; sending state and Malaysia; receiving state) on managing the international labour migration between the two countries.Design/methodology/approachThe research adopting “mixed methods”, mixing of quantitative and qualitative data within a single investigation or sustained programme of inquiry. The activity includes collecting primary data in two countries. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires to migrant workers in the receiving states and used indepth interview to 10 stakeholders in the sending states.FindingsThe protection of migrant workers in Johor Bahru is still weak. The graph shows that Indonesian migrant workers in Johor mostly have their documents kept by their employer. Fisheries sector has the highest percentage of workers whose documents are retained by the employer. Meanwhile the sector in which the worker mostly do not get a weekly one day off is the domestic worker. Overall, this means that Malaysia has to put more attention on the existing regulation in order to create a more comfortable working environment.Originality/valueThis paper observe three parameters such as working hour, who keep the passport of the Indonesian migrant workers and weekly one day off relate to working condition of Indonesian migrant workers.



目的本文的目的是从东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)中的输出国和接收国(印度尼西亚;输出国和马来西亚;接收国)的角度来解释和分享以就业为目的的劳务移民问题。两国之间的劳务移民。设计/方法/方法研究采用“混合方法”,在单一调查或持续调查计划中混合定量和定性数据。该活动包括在两个国家收集原始数据。数据收集是通过向接收州的移民工人分发问卷和对输出州的 10 个利益相关者进行深度访谈来完成的。调查结果 新山对移民工人的保护仍然薄弱。该图显示,柔佛州的印度尼西亚移民工人的文件大多由雇主保存。渔业部门的文件由雇主保留的工人比例最高。同时,工人每周没有一天休假的部门主要是家庭工人。总体而言,这意味着马来西亚必须更加关注现有法规,以创造更舒适的工作环境。原创性/价值本文观察三个参数,例如工作时间,印尼移民工人的护照持有人和每周一天off 与印尼移民工人的工作条件有关。同时,工人每周没有一天休假的部门主要是家庭工人。总体而言,这意味着马来西亚必须更加关注现有法规,以创造更舒适的工作环境。原创性/价值本文观察三个参数,例如工作时间,印尼移民工人的护照持有人和每周一天off 与印尼移民工人的工作条件有关。同时,工人每周没有一天休假的部门主要是家庭工人。总体而言,这意味着马来西亚必须更加关注现有法规,以创造更舒适的工作环境。原创性/价值本文观察三个参数,例如工作时间,印尼移民工人的护照持有人和每周一天off 与印尼移民工人的工作条件有关。