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Irony as a Political Demarcation Tool of the New Russian Nationalists
Changing Societies & Personalities Pub Date : 2020-10-09 , DOI: 10.15826/csp.2020.4.3.103
Anastasia V. Mitrofanova

The article discusses how and why the new nationalists, who call for political self-determination of Russians but share some ideological concepts with liberals, use stiob - a form of ironic parody based on overidentification and decontextualisation, resulting in destruction of the authoritative discourse. Their entertaining, or educational-cum-entertaining projects, located in the gray area between politics and counterculture, strive to undermine domineering political discourses (liberal, neo-Soviet, leftist, official patriotic, and old nationalist) and to go beyond the left-right dichotomy. The author concludes that the main function of stiob and other forms of irony for the new nationalists is negative identification. Ambivalence of the language of stiob simultaneously attracts the target audience of nationalists (“those in the know”) and does not prevent solidarizing with any political platform when needed. The article is based on qualitative analysis of narratives produced by nationalist social media influencers, including fiction, essays, talks, lectures, interviews, live broadcasts, posts in blogs, social networks and messengers.



文章讨论了呼吁俄罗斯人实现政治自决但与自由主义者分享一些意识形态概念的新民族主义者如何以及为什么使用 stiob——一种基于过度认同和去语境化的讽刺模仿形式,从而导致权威话语的破坏。他们的娱乐或教育兼娱乐项目位于政治和反主流文化之间的灰色地带,力求破坏霸道的政治话语(自由主义、新苏维埃、左翼、官方爱国主义和旧民族主义)并超越左派——右二分法。作者的结论是,对于新民族主义者来说,stiob 和其他形式的反讽的主要功能是消极认同。stiob 语言的矛盾心理同时吸引了民族主义者(“知情者”)的目标受众,并且不妨碍在需要时与任何政治平台团结一致。这篇文章基于对民族主义社交媒体影响者的叙述进行定性分析,包括小说、散文、演讲、讲座、采访、现场直播、博客帖子、社交网络和信使。