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Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-19 , DOI: 10.14795/j.v7i2.532
Alexander Harizanov

The province of Thrace was established in ca. AD 45-46 on the territory of the last Thracian Kingdom. In the course of more than two hundred years, between the second half of the First and the late Third century, ceramic production was developed in an unprecedented scale in this territory, in both rural and urban context. A number of rural settlements in Thrace, including agricultural estates ( villae ), agrarian and artisan’s villages ( vici ), have accommodated pottery and tile workshops since the second half of the First – the beginning of the Second century. From the late First – early Second century onwards potteries were established also in towns and cities. The data analysed and presented for the location and internal organisation of the ceramic workshops in Thrace indicates that the most widespread type of organised production was the individual workshop. Some of these ateliers were clustered near available resources and developed trade routes, and occasionally incorporated in single settlement units. However, the considerable size and complex layout of the workshops from the early phase of ceramic production under Roman rule could be viewed as a proof that the craft was initially developed by people with certain financial abilities and social status (local dynasts, immigrant civilians, enfranchised itinerant and indigenous army veterans). These individuals were among the first to perceive and advertise the Roman way of life through, on the one side, the new construction techniques and materials, and, on the other, the concomitant culture of eating and drinking, visible through the archaeological discoveries of pottery and other vessels used for these purposes.



色雷斯省成立于约。公元 45-46 年在最后一个色雷斯王国的领土上。在两百多年的过程中,从一世纪下半叶到三世纪后期,陶瓷生产在这片土地上以前所未有的规模发展,无论是在农村还是城市环境中。自一世纪下半叶至二世纪初以来,色雷斯的许多农村定居点,包括农业庄园 ( villae )、农业和工匠村 ( vici ),都设有陶器和瓷砖作坊。从一世纪末到二世纪初,陶器也在城镇中建立起来。对色雷斯陶瓷作坊的位置和内部组织进行分析和呈现的数据表明,最普遍的有组织的生产类型是个体作坊。其中一些工作室聚集在可用资源附近并开发了贸易路线,有时并入单个定居单元。然而,从罗马统治时期的陶瓷生产早期开始,作坊的规模和复杂的布局可以被视为该工艺最初是由具有一定经济能力和社会地位的人(地方王朝、移民平民、获得选举权的人)开发的证据。巡回和土著退伍军人)。这些人是第一批通过新的建筑技术和材料感知和宣传罗马生活方式的人,