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Temperature variations extracted from ring widths of firs growing in the humid environment of the mid-Qinling Mountains
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1080/04353676.2020.1761132
Bo Sun 1, 2 , Yu Liu 2, 3, 4 , Ying Lei 2 , Yongyong Ma 5 , Changfeng Sun 2

ABSTRACT In comparison to trees that grow in arid areas, those growing in humid areas usually have ambiguous climatic information recorded in their ring widths. In this study, ring width samples of Abies chensiensis, collected from the headwaters of the Jialing River in the mid-Qinling Mountains, were used to investigate if temperature signals from the ring widths of trees in humid areas can be extracted. By employing data processing techniques such as first-order difference processing of all series, correlation analysis using pentad meteorological data, and outlier elimination, we found that the inter-annual variations in the average minimum temperature of the pentad 10–23 (MT10–23) was the limiting factor for radial growth. In humid areas, the moisture content of the air and soil may weaken (or impede) the limiting effect of temperature on trees, and correlation results between chronology and temperature cannot meet the requirements of climate reconstruction, mainly due to the inconsistency of their low-frequency variations. Therefore, accurate extraction of high-frequency temperature signals may be the key to climate reconstruction from tree-ring widths in humid areas.



摘要 与生长在干旱地区的树木相比,生长在潮湿地区的树木通常在其年轮宽度中记录了模棱两可的气候信息。本研究以秦岭中部嘉陵江源头采集的中华冷杉年轮宽度样本为研究对象,研究能否提取湿润地区树木年轮宽度的温度信号。通过对所有序列的一阶差分处理、基于候场气象资料的相关性分析、异常值剔除等数据处理技术,我们发现10-23候(MT10-23)平均最低气温的年际变化) 是径向生长的限制因素。在潮湿地区,空气和土壤的水分含量可能会削弱(或阻碍)温度对树木的限制作用,年表与温度的相关结果不能满足气候重建的要求,主要是由于它们的低频变化不一致。因此,准确提取高频温度信号可能是湿润地区树木年轮宽度重建气候的关键。