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Understanding changes in doctor moral hazard behaviour in response to government healthcare reform
Acta Bioethica ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.4067/s1726-569x2020000100081
Yaohui Wang , Lina He , Quanlong Liu , Xinchun Li

Doctor moral hazard has a significant effect on the doctor-patient relationship, increases the cost of healthcare, and introduces medical risks. It is a global concern. Doctor moral hazard behaviour is evolving in response to China’s healthcare reform program which was inaugurated in 2009.A scientific understanding of doctor behaviour would facilitate the prevention and control of doctor moral hazard behaviour. This study used the principles and methodology of Glaser and Strauss’s grounded theory. Theoretical and snowball samplings were used to identify 60 subjects. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with each subject. Themes were identified through substantial (open) coding and theoretical coding. Six types of doctor moral hazard behaviour were extracted from the data. A behavioural model was described and diagrammed to provide a conceptual framework of current doctor moral hazard behaviour. The conceptual model of doctor moral hazard behaviour can be used in several ways to correct or prevent undesirable actions. Rules governing hospital procedures can be strengthened and enforced by supervision and punishment; the asymmetry of information between doctor and patient can be reduced; patient participation in treatment decisions can be increased; the effectiveness of medical ethics education can be improved.



医生道德风险对医患关系有显着影响,增加医疗成本,引入医疗风险。这是一个全球性的问题。医生道德风险行为随着我国2009年启动的医改方案不断演变。科学认识医生行为有助于预防和控制医生道德风险行为。本研究采用了格拉泽和施特劳斯扎根理论的原理和方法。理论和滚雪球抽样用于识别 60 名受试者。对每个主题进行了半结构化的深度访谈。通过实质性(开放)编码和理论编码确定主题。从数据中提取出六类医生道德风险行为。描述并绘制了一个行为模型,以提供当前医生道德风险行为的概念框架。医生道德风险行为的概念模型可以以多种方式用于纠正或防止不良行为。医院程序规则可以通过监督和处罚来加强和执行;可以减少医患之间的信息不对称;可以增加患者对治疗决策的参与;医德教育成效有待提高。可以减少医患之间的信息不对称;可以增加患者对治疗决策的参与;医德教育成效有待提高。可以减少医患之间的信息不对称;可以增加患者对治疗决策的参与;医德教育成效有待提高。