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Infants React Differently to Adults' Noncontingent Responding Depending on the Adult's Activity
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.13110/merrpalmquar1982.66.3.0252

Abstract:Two experiments examined 12- to 13-month-old infants’ reactions to noncontingent responding by the parent (Experiment 1, 40 infants) or by an unfamiliar adult (Experiment 2, 40 infants). During the initial play phase, the adult was either reading a book or using his or her mobile phone, resulting in a response delay when the infant would seek the adult’s attention. During the test phase, the infants were shown an ambiguous toy as the adult simultaneously conveyed positive information. The infants in the mobile-phone condition looked for a shorter time at the adult than did the infants in the book condition, regardless of the familiarity of the adult. The findings indicate that the type of activity that caused the adults’ lack of contingent responsiveness differentially influenced the infants’ reactions to the adults’ noncontingent responding.



摘要:两个实验检查了 12 至 13 个月大的婴儿对父母(实验 1,40 名婴儿)或不熟悉的成年人(实验 2,40 名婴儿)的非偶然反应的反应。在最初的玩耍阶段,成人要么在看书,要么在使用他或她的手机,导致婴儿寻求成人注意力时的反应延迟。在测试阶段,婴儿被​​展示了一个模棱两可的玩具,因为成年人同时传达了积极的信息。无论成人是否熟悉,手机状态下的婴儿看成人的时间都比书本状态下的婴儿短。