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Justice Denied? Prosecutors and presiding officers' reliance on evidence of previous sexual history in South African rape trials
South African Crime Quarterly Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.17159/2413-3108/2020/v0n69a6380
Sheena Swemmer

This article presents data from a study conducted by the Medical Research Council of South Africa, focusing on rape attrition in South Africa at different stages in the processes (from reporting at a police station to potential conviction). The study found that of the 3 952 reported cases of rape analysed 65% were referred to prosecution, and trials commenced in 18,5% of cases. Of the total 3 952 cases reported, 8,6% resulted in a guilty verdict. Using qualitative data from a subset of trial transcripts, the article focuses specifically on the problematic views of both presiding officers and prosecutors based on rape myths and gender-stereotyping at trial, and suggests that these are a factor affecting the attrition rate between cases referred to trial and those that result in a not guilty verdict. CRIME QUARTERLY No. 69 | 2020



本文介绍了南非医学研究委员会进行的一项研究的数据,重点关注南非强奸过程中不同阶段的减员情况(从在警察局报告到可能定罪)。研究发现,在分析的 3 952 起报告的强奸案件中,65% 被提交起诉,18.5% 的案件开始审理。在报告的 3 952 起案件中,有 8.6% 的案件被判有罪。本文使用来自审判记录子集的定性数据,特别关注审判长和检察官基于强奸神话和审判中的性别刻板印象的有问题的观点,并提出这些是影响所提及案件之间流失率的一个因素审判和那些导致无罪判决的人。犯罪季刊第 69 期 | 2020