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The intimate borders of epidemiological nationalism
Anthropology in Action Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.3167/aia.2020.270314
Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins 1

Amidst the COVID-19 crisis, nation-states closed borders. Borders divide – and intimate difference. In this article, I trace an emergent epidemiological nationalism which intimates a contagious other, taking ‘the’ border as my (unstable) object. While post-war and post-wall European projects celebrate dismantling borders, bordering continually becomes by saturating space with territoriality. Illustrating epidemiological nationalism’s intimately located here and there, I turn an ethnographic gaze to Wales: a nation yet not a state, with a border that cannot be closed. Through the socio-spatial saturate of the Welsh border’s enduring (non)existence run frictive, entangled intimacies. Meshing border studies with Lauren Berlant’s theorisation of intimacies, I show epidemiology’s conscription in imaginatively inscribing a safely state-like Welsh nation.



在 COVID-19 危机中,民族国家关闭了边界。边界划分——以及亲密的差异。在这篇文章中,我追溯了一种新兴的流行病民族主义,它暗示了一个具有传染性的他者,将“边界”作为我的(不稳定的)对象。虽然战后和围墙后的欧洲项目庆祝拆除边界,但边界不断地通过使空间充满领土性而成为现实。为了说明流行病民族主义无处不在,我将民族志的目光转向威尔士:一个民族而不是一个国家,有着无法关闭的边界。通过威尔士边界持久(不)存在的社会空间饱和度,摩擦,纠缠的亲密关系。将边界研究与 Lauren Berlant 的亲密关系理论相结合,我展示了流行病学对富有想象力的威尔士国家的征兵。