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Reading Rebecca in the Sixth-Form Classroom: Some Literary-Critical and Pedagogical Explorations
Changing English ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-25 , DOI: 10.1080/1358684x.2022.2074818
Brian Hanratty 1


While Rebecca is not currently a set text for A-Level English Literature, this paper argues that the novel’s multi-faceted richness would justify its inclusion in any list of recommended texts. Divided into four interconnected parts, the paper offers, firstly, some approaches to the reading and teaching of fiction, generally. The second part presents some framing contexts for illuminating many of Rebecca’s preoccupations. These include: ideas about the Gothic tradition and the presentation of Fatal Women in some Romantic literature; some considerations about patriarchy, misogyny, gender and identity; finally, attention is given to the intersection between dream and reality in Rebecca and to the idea of obsession and the double self in two other works by Du Maurier. In the third part, more detailed attention is given to the presentation of character in the novel. The fourth part explores some pedagogical approaches to the novel in the sixth-form classroom.




虽然Rebecca目前还不是 A-Level 英语文学的固定文本,但本文认为,这部小说的多方面丰富性将证明其包含在任何推荐文本列表中是合理的。本文分为四个相互关联的部分,首先提供了小说阅读和教学的一般方法。第二部分介绍了一些框架背景,以阐明丽贝卡的许多关注点。其中包括:关于哥特式传统的想法和一些浪漫主义文学中致命女性的表现;关于父权制、厌女症、性别和身份的一些考虑;最后,关注Rebecca的梦想与现实的交集以及杜莫里埃的另外两部作品中的痴迷和双重自我。第三部分对小说中人物的表现进行了更为细致的关注。第四部分探讨了六年级课堂上小说的一些教学方法。
