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‘Citadels of spiritual resistance’: the Italian schools in Scotland, 1924–1940
Modern Italy ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-24 , DOI: 10.1017/mit.2022.14
Remigio Petrocelli

This article focuses on Italian schools in Scotland during the Fascist ventennio. The Italian-Scottish case study will be helpful to understand one of the principal means, the schools, that the Fascist regime used from the early 1920s in order to preserve the Italian identity of second-generation Italians. From the first half of the 1930s, the schools also became one of the key channels for spreading Fascist ideology and propaganda. Nevertheless, in Scotland, the schools also had a social significance, as Italians began to gather and socialise through them as a community. Accordingly, the foundations and educational, social and political roles of the schools will be examined. The article offers an insight into a topic neglected by Italian and British scholars, despite the second biggest Italian diasporic community in Britain residing in interwar Glasgow.



本文重点介绍法西斯文腾尼奥时期苏格兰的意大利学校. 意大利-苏格兰的案例研究将有助于了解法西斯政权从 1920 年代初开始使用的主要手段之一,即学校,以保持意大利第二代人的意大利身份。从 1930 年代前半期开始,学校也成为传播法西斯思想和宣传的主要渠道之一。然而,在苏格兰,学校也具有社会意义,因为意大利人开始通过它们作为一个社区聚集和社交。因此,将审查学校的基础和教育、社会和政治角色。尽管英国第二大意大利侨民社区居住在两次世界大战期间的格拉斯哥,但这篇文章提供了对意大利和英国学者忽视的话题的见解。
