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The Influence of Institutional Affiliation and Social Ecology on Sound Change
American Speech ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-23 , DOI: 10.1215/00031283-8791745
Michael J. Fox 1

The social mechanisms that influence the direction of language change operate along the demarcations of networks of communication (Bloomfield 1933; Milroy and Milroy 1985). Within geographic regions, the focused organizations that individuals participate in structure the lines of communication (Feld 1981) and the socio-demographic composition (social ecology) therein limits the options of peers to associate with (McPherson, Smith-Lovin, and Cook 2001). Schools have their own social ecology (McFarland et al. 2014) and attendance at schools can explain language change at a level above social interaction but below the level of community (Dodsworth and Benton 2017, 2019). This study uses acoustic vowel measurements from 132 speakers in three geographically contiguous cities located in northwestern Wisconsin. Modeling results indicate (1) similar socio-geographic contexts lead to linguistic similarity; (2) dissimilarity in social ecology leads to greater linguistic dissimilarity as the difference between a dyads’ years of birth increases; (3) net of local socio-geographic context and social ecology, similarity in sex and age leads to linguistic similarity and vice versa. These patterns indicate that local social ecologies further demarcate the lines of communication thereby structuring the form of language at a level between the micro interactional and the macro level of the speech community.



影响语言变化方向的社会机制沿着交际网络的界限运作(Bloomfield 1933;Milroy 和 Milroy 1985)。在地理区域内,个人参与的重点组织构建了沟通渠道(Feld 1981)和其中的社会人口构成(社会生态学)限制了同伴交往的选择(McPherson、Smith-Lovin 和 Cook 2001) . 学校有自己的社会生态(McFarland et al. 2014),学校出勤率可以解释高于社会互动但低于社区水平的语言变化(Dodsworth and Benton 2017, 2019)。这项研究使用了威斯康星州西北部三个地理上相邻的城市的 132 名说话者的声学元音测量值。建模结果表明(1)相似的社会地理背景导致语言相似性;(2) 社会生态学的差异导致语言差异随着二人出生年限的增加而增加;(3) 剔除当地社会地理背景和社会生态,性别和年龄的相似性导致语言相似性,反之亦然。这些模式表明,当地的社会生态进一步划分了沟通的界限,从而在微观互动和言语社区的宏观层面之间构建了语言形式。性别和年龄的相似导致语言相似,反之亦然。这些模式表明,当地的社会生态进一步划分了沟通的界限,从而在微观互动和言语社区的宏观层面之间构建了语言形式。性别和年龄的相似导致语言相似,反之亦然。这些模式表明,当地的社会生态进一步划分了沟通的界限,从而在微观互动和言语社区的宏观层面之间构建了语言形式。