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From Point Zero to the Future
South Atlantic Quarterly ( IF 1.763 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1215/00382876-8601494
Helena Silvestre

This text seeks to describe the territories of the favelas as a fertile ground for the birth of organizational forms that can strengthen struggles toward an emancipated society, in which life is free. It aims to trace the trajectory of resistance in those territories, the occupations, and evictions that shaped and continue shaping them. It highlights the feminized bodies in struggle against forced evictions of communities or carrying out occupations for housing: the conflictual recuperation of parts of the territory to construct commons that nourish our resistance. This effort is necessary because we cannot look at Indigenous women—in defense of forests—or Black women—defending immaterial ancestral territories—without recognizing that the women of the favelas are the daughters of those other women, continuing their resistance and resignifying it in places that are close to us and our everyday lives.


