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Anchors and thresholds in the formation of a transnational sense of belonging of migrant children in Poland
Children's Geographies ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-22 , DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2022.2075693
Anzhela Popyk 1


The formation of the sense of belonging is a lifelong process, which has no precise patterns and depends on individual experiences and feelings. For migrant children, it becomes central during transnational transitions and socialisation. To study the anchors and thresholds that shape a transnational sense of belonging of migrant children in Poland, this paper adopts the concept of social anchoring proposed by Grzymała-Kazłowska [2016. “Social Anchoring: Immigrant Identity, Security and Integration Reconnected?.” Sociology 50 (6): 1123–1139]. The study derives from child-centred qualitative research with migrant children, their parents and their teachers. The analysis introduces the four dimensions of belonging formation, namely the formal, social, emotional and symbolic, which determine how migrant schoolchildren negotiate their sense of belonging during transnational transitions. This research stresses the significance of all four dimensions for children's socialisation and underlines that belonging becomes key in children's wellbeing and sets the priorities in multiple spheres, like education, friendship, interests, leisure, or future life plans.




归属感的形成是一个终生的过程,没有精确的模式,取决于个人的经历和感受。对于流动儿童来说,它在跨国转型和社会化过程中变得至关重要。为了研究塑造波兰移民儿童跨国归属感的锚定和门槛,本文采用了 Grzymała-Kazłowska [2016] 提出的社会锚定概念。“社会锚定:移民身份、安全和融合重新联系起来?” 社会学50(6):1123-1139]。该研究源自以儿童为中心的定性研究,对象包括流动儿童、他们的父母和老师。分析介绍了归属感形成的四个维度,即形式、社会、情感和象征,它们决定了流动学童在跨国转型过程中如何协商归属感。这项研究强调了所有四个维度对儿童社会化的重要性,并强调归属感成为儿童福祉的关键,并在教育、友谊、兴趣、休闲或未来生活计划等多个领域设定了优先事项。
