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COVID-19, young people and the futures of work: Rethinking global grammars of enterprise
The Sociological Review ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-16 , DOI: 10.1177/00380261221093403
Diego Carbajo 1 , Peter Kelly 2

In this article we revisit our analytical concept of global grammars of enterprise to explore the ways in which this grammar is being reimagined in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the crises it produces. Drawing on a hermeneutic sociological analysis of a variety of documents (policies, websites, think pieces), our rethinking revisits understandings of the relationships between ‘enterprise’, young people, education, training and work, and the importance of certain ideas about a young person’s ‘self project’, ‘self-fulfilment’ and ‘creativity’. In doing this work, which is largely located in the developed economies of the European Union and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, we trace a number of the entanglements between young people and global grammars of enterprise, and between what we identify as the emergent logics of ‘rescue and restitution’ and ‘reconsideration and redefinition’ that frame different, though connected responses to the pandemic and its uncertain, complex and ambiguous consequences for the future of work. We explore what sociologies of work, education and youth might contribute to problematising both the crises that the pandemic foreshadows in relation to young people’s health and well-being and their education, training and employment pathways, and the ‘solutions’ that are being proposed to these crises at what Rosa Braidotti has identified as the convergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Sixth Mass Extinction.



在本文中,我们重新审视了我们对企业全球语法的分析概念,以探索在 COVID-19 大流行及其产生的危机的背景下重新构想这种语法的方式。借助对各种文件(政策、网站、思想片段)的诠释学社会学分析,我们重新思考对“企业”、年轻人、教育、培训和工作之间关系的理解,以及某些关于年轻人的想法的重要性人的“自我计划”、“自我实现”和“创造力”。在这项主要位于欧盟和经济合作与发展组织的发达经济体的工作中,我们追溯了年轻人与全球企业语法之间的一些纠葛,以及我们认为的“救援和恢复原状”与“重新考虑和重新定义”的新兴逻辑之间,它们构成了对大流行病的不同但相互关联的反应及其对未来工作的不确定、复杂和模棱两可的后果。我们探讨了工作、教育和青年的哪些社会学可能有助于解决这一流行病所预示的与年轻人的健康和福祉及其教育、培训和就业途径相关的危机,以及提出的“解决方案”这些危机发生在 Rosa Braidotti 所认定的第四次工业革命和第六次大规模灭绝的汇合处。对未来工作的复杂和模棱两可的后果。我们探讨了工作、教育和青年的哪些社会学可能有助于解决这一流行病所预示的与年轻人的健康和福祉及其教育、培训和就业途径相关的危机,以及提出的“解决方案”这些危机发生在 Rosa Braidotti 所认定的第四次工业革命和第六次大规模灭绝的汇合处。对未来工作的复杂和模棱两可的后果。我们探讨了工作、教育和青年的哪些社会学可能有助于解决这一流行病所预示的与年轻人的健康和福祉及其教育、培训和就业途径相关的危机,以及提出的“解决方案”这些危机发生在 Rosa Braidotti 所认定的第四次工业革命和第六次大规模灭绝的汇合处。