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Internal wave breaking near the foot of a steep East-Pacific continental slope
Progress in Oceanography ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102817
Hans van Haren , Gunnar Voet , Matthew H. Alford , Daniel J. Torres

The sloping sides of ocean basins are of particular interest for their potential importance for considerable turbulence generation via internal wave breaking and associated water circulation. The difference with the ocean interior may be manifest in a 10–100 m relatively thin layer above the seafloor. We set up an observational study with high-resolution stand-alone instrumentation attached to a custom-made release-anchor frame sampling to within 0.5 m from the seafloor up to 150 m above it. For two months, the taut wire moored instrumentation was tested in 1100 m water depth of the East-Pacific, off the coast of San Diego (CA, USA). The mooring was oceanward of an underwater bank and near the foot of its steep but gentle two-dimensional slope. Temperature sensor data demonstrate that internal waves peak at semidiurnal frequencies. While short (<1 h) periods show complicated structure, tidally averaged turbulence dissipation rate monotonically increases towards the seafloor over two orders of magnitude. The largest turbulence dissipation rates are observed during the relatively warm phase of an internal wave. Although the local topographic slope is supercritical for semidiurnal internal waves, turbulent bores propagating up the slope and hydraulic jumps are not observed. Most of the turbulence appears to be dominated by shear production, but not related to steady frictional flow near the seafloor.



海洋盆地的倾斜侧面特别令人感兴趣,因为它们对于通过内部波浪破坏和相关的水循环产生相当大的湍流具有潜在的重要性。与海洋内部的差异可能体现在海底上方 10-100 m 的相对较薄的层中。我们建立了一项观察研究,高分辨率独立仪器连接到定制的释放锚框架采样,距离海底 0.5 m 至其上方 150 m。两个月来,拉紧的绳索系泊仪器在圣地亚哥(美国加利福尼亚州)海岸附近的东太平洋 1100 米水深进行了测试。系泊位于水下堤岸的海洋方向,靠近陡峭但平缓的二维斜坡脚下。温度传感器数据表明,内波在半日频率处达到峰值。虽然短(<1 小时)周期显示出复杂的结构,但潮汐平均湍流耗散率向海底单调增加两个数量级。在内波相对温暖的阶段观察到最大的湍流耗散率。尽管局部地形坡度对于半日内波来说是超临界的,但没有观察到沿坡度向上传播的湍流孔和水跃。大多数湍流似乎主要由剪切产生,但与海底附近的稳定摩擦流无关。尽管局部地形坡度对于半日内波来说是超临界的,但没有观察到沿坡度向上传播的湍流孔和水跃。大多数湍流似乎主要由剪切产生,但与海底附近的稳定摩擦流无关。尽管局部地形坡度对于半日内波来说是超临界的,但没有观察到沿坡度向上传播的湍流孔和水跃。大多数湍流似乎主要由剪切产生,但与海底附近的稳定摩擦流无关。
