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Impacts of zebra chip disease and irrigation on leaf physiological traits in potato
Agricultural Water Management ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107705
Hyungmin Rho , Susan A. O’Shaughnessy , Paul D. Colaizzi , Fekede Workneh , Li Paetzold , Charles M. Rush

Zebra chip disease (ZC) is caused by the fastidious, phloem-limited, bacterial pathogen ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (Lso), which is transmitted from plant to plant by the potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc)). Understanding how ZC impacts potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) physiology, could help growers in making more informed crop management decisions. Measurements of instantaneous leaf physiological responses, such as photosynthetic CO2 uptake and transpiration on the leaf surface, can be used not only for fast screening of affected plants in the field but also for optimizing irrigation management. Over the 2019 and 2020 field seasons, we characterized time-course photosynthetic physiological responses of potato plants infested by potato psyllids (B. cockerelli (Sulc)) carrying the Lso haplotypes A+B. Potato plants were subjected to different variable-rate irrigation (VRI) treatments (100%, 80%, and 60% of field capacity of the soil) through a center-pivot sprinkler system to examine the impact of the disease on key physiological parameters of photosynthesis and transpiration. Leaf and air temperatures, and hyperspectral profiles of the canopy were also measured and compared. The measurements were made during midday weekly from 25 to 50 days after plant infestation (DAI) with bacteriliferous psyllids. The results showed that many of the measured variables, including stomatal conductance, photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate, quantum yields, and normalized difference in vegetation index started to decrease beginning approximately 28–35 DAI, gradually worsening until 50 DAI, in both 2019 and 2020, as the infection proceeded. The decreases in stomatal conductance in infected plants led to decreases in photosynthesis and transpiration. In turn, reduced transpiration resulted in increased leaf temperature due to decrease in evaporative cooling on the leaf surface. Higher leaf temperatures under hot and dry conditions with high light intensity during the daytime would further reduce photosynthetic light harvesting, which is supported by our data, indicating the damage to the photosynthetic pigment formation and machinery. These findings support the previous report that increased leaf temperature in infected plants may have been derived from the closure of stomata in hypersensitive reactions to infection. These stomatal responses were detected within 28 DAI, a week earlier than the differences in hyperspectral profiles observed 35 DAI, and could be implemented in early disease detection strategiesusing measurements of leaf temperature.



斑马屑病 (ZC) 是由挑剔的韧皮部限制性细菌病原体‘青枯病菌 (Lso) 引起的,它通过马铃薯木虱( Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc))在植物之间传播。了解 ZC 如何影响马铃薯 ( Solanum tuberosum L.) 生理,可以帮助种植者做出更明智的作物管理决策。瞬时叶片生理反应的测量,例如叶片表面的光合 CO 2吸收和蒸腾作用,不仅可用于快速筛选田间受影响的植物,还可用于优化灌溉管理. 在 2019 年和 2020 年的田间季节,我们描述了携带 Lso单倍型 A+B的马铃薯木虱 ( B. cockerelli(Sulc))侵染的马铃薯植物的时程光合生理反应。马铃薯植物通过中心枢轴喷水器进行不同的可变速率灌溉 (VRI) 处理(土壤田间容量的 100%、80% 和 60%)系统来检查疾病对光合作用和蒸腾的关键生理参数的影响。还测量和比较了叶片和空气温度以及冠层的高光谱剖面。在植物感染 (DAI) 细菌木虱后 25 至 50 天的每周中午进行测量。结果表明,许多测量变量,包括气孔导度、光合作用速率、蒸腾速率、量子产率和标准化差异随着感染的进行,植被指数从大约 28-35 DAI 开始下降,并逐渐恶化,直到 2019 年和 2020 年的 50 DAI。受感染植物气孔导度的降低导致光合作用和蒸腾作用的降低。反过来,由于叶片表面蒸发冷却的减少,蒸腾作用减少导致叶片温度升高。在白天高光强度的炎热和干燥条件下较高的叶片温度将进一步减少光合光的收集,我们的数据支持这一点,表明对光合色素形成和机械的损害。这些发现支持之前的报告,即受感染植物的叶片温度升高可能是由于气孔关闭所致。对感染的过敏反应。这些气孔反应是在 28 DAI 内检测到的,比在 35 DAI 观察到的高光谱剖面差异提前一周,并且可以在使用叶温测量的早期疾病检测策略中实施。
