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The Art and Architecture of Victor Bohm (1900–1981)
Arts ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-19 , DOI: 10.3390/arts11030058
Éva Lovra

The art and architecture of modernist architect and architectural theorist Victor Bohm (Bőhm Viktor, Böhm Viktor) are rare examples of modernism. At the same time, they were unusual for a provincial city—Miskolc (Hungary)—far from the modernist hub Budapest. Bohm worked in Miskolc during the 1930s, created numerous extraordinary buildings and shaped the skyline of this industrial town. He emigrated to the United States in 1939. The architectural language of his Hungarian designs followed modernist trends, a tendency less evident in his American projects. His buildings received architectural awards, and he has become known as a designer of medical and commercial buildings. He was a pioneer in the study of the relationship between architecture and psychology and sought to understand how an architectural design affects people and how the architect’s identity is manifested in their works. None of Bohm’s Hungarian buildings are protected; most of his buildings in Miskolc were demolished. The present study attempts to preserve his modernist, Hungarian legacy.


Victor Bohm 的艺术与建筑 (1900–1981)

现代主义建筑师和建筑理论家维克多·博姆(Bőhm Viktor,Böhm Viktor)的艺术和建筑是现代主义的罕见例子。同时,对于远离现代主义中心布达佩斯的省级城市米什科尔茨(匈牙利)来说,它们是不寻常的。Bohm 于 1930 年代在米什科尔茨工作,创造了无数非凡的建筑,塑造了这座工业城市的天际线。他于 1939 年移居美国。他的匈牙利设计的建筑语言遵循现代主义趋势,这种趋势在他的美国项目中不太明显。他的建筑获得了建筑奖项,他以医疗和商业建筑的设计师而闻名。他是研究建筑与心理学之间关系的先驱,并试图了解建筑设计如何影响人们以及建筑师的身份如何在他们的作品中体现出来。博姆的匈牙利建筑都没有受到保护;他在米什科尔茨的大部分建筑都被拆除了。本研究试图保留他的现代主义匈牙利遗产。