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Significant Objects: How Eudaimonic Narratives Enhance the Value of Featured Products
Journal of Advertising ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-17 , DOI: 10.1080/00913367.2022.2066035
Anne Hamby 1 , Ali Tezer 2 , Jennifer Edson Escalas 3


Eudaimonic narratives, which past work identifies as stories featuring themes related to virtue and life’s higher purpose, are increasingly prevalent in advertisements and marketing communications. The current research examines whether this type of narrative achieves advertiser-desired outcomes. If these outcomes are achieved, how? The results from five studies demonstrate that eudaimonic narratives enhance the value of, attitude toward, and purchase intentions for products featured in the story. This occurs because the product becomes a symbol for the meaningful theme communicated in the narrative. The effect of eudaimonic narratives on valuation is stronger when a product is central to the narrative plot and when consumers have experienced a threat to their worldview coherence; the effect disappears when people consider giving the focal product as a gift.


重要对象:Eudaimonic 叙事如何提升特色产品的价值


Eudaimonic 叙事在过去的作品中被认定为以与美德和人生更高目标相关的主题为特色的故事,在广告和营销传播中越来越普遍。目前的研究检验了这种类型的叙述是否达到了广告商期望的结果。如果实现这些结果,如何实现?五项研究的结果表明,幸福的叙事提高了故事中产品的价值、态度和购买意愿。发生这种情况是因为产品成为叙事中传达的有意义主题的象征。当产品是叙事情节的核心并且消费者的世界观连贯性受到威胁时,幸福叙事对估值的影响会更强;
