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Effect of moderate salinity on Golden Thistle (Scolymus hispanicus L.) grown in a soilless cropping system
Scientia Horticulturae ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2022.111182
Dimitrios M. Papadimitriou , Ioannis N. Daliakopoulos , Emmanouil Kontaxakis , Michael Sabathianakis , Thrassyvoulos Manios , Dimitrios Savvas

Selecting salt-tolerant crop species for cultivation might be a feasible option to maintain crop productivity in arable lands affected by salinity. In this context, here we examine the responses of the wild edible green golden thistle (Scolymus hispanicus L.) to moderate levels of salinity when grown in a soilless system for culinary use. Treatments were obtained by establishing four NaCl concentrations (0.5, 5.0, 10.0, and 15.0 mM) in a standard nutrient solution, resulting in initial solution electrical conductivities (EC) of 2.2, 2.8, 3.2, and 3.8 dS m  1, respectively. By the end of the experiment, 120 days after transplanting (DAT) drainage EC reached 2.65, 3.33, 3.96, and 4.51 dS m  1, respectively. At the first harvest, 90 DAT, the increase of the NaCl concentration had no significant impact on the number of leaves per plant, leaf fresh and dry weight [g plant−1], and root dry weight [g plant−1]. At the second harvest (120 DAT), 15.0 mM NaCl significantly decreased root and leaf fresh and dry weight without affecting the number of leaves per plant compared to 0.5 and 5.0 mM NaCl, while 10 mM NaCl had no impact on any of these parameters. The concentrations of K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and P in the leaves were not influenced by the tested salinity levels, while those of organic-N and NO3-N were significantly reduced by 10 and 15 mM NaCl, 90 DAT. Furthermore, 10 and 15 mM NaCl significantly increased the Cl and Na+ concentrations in leaves, but not in the roots. In the root tissues, only the K concentration was reduced by salinity while P increased at the highest salinity level (15 mM NaCl). Based on these results, we conclude that S. hispanicus L. is resilient to moderate salinity levels and can be considered a promising candidate plant for introduction to soilless cropping systems.


中等盐度对无土栽培金蓟草(Scolymus hispanicus L.)的影响

选择耐盐作物品种进行种植可能是维持受盐分影响的耕地作物生产力的可行选择。在此背景下,我们在此研究了野生食用绿色金蓟 ( Scolymus hispanicus L.) 在无土系统中生长以供烹饪使用时对中等盐度水平的反应。通过在标准营养液中建立四种 NaCl 浓度(0.5、5.0、10.0 和 15.0 mM)获得处理,导致初始溶液电导率 (EC) 分别为 2.2、2.8、3.2 和 3.8 dS m  -  1。到实验结束时,移植后 120 天(DAT)引流 EC 达到 2.65、3.33、3.96 和 4.51 dS m  -  1, 分别。在第一次收获时,90 DAT,NaCl 浓度的增加对每株植物的叶片数、叶片鲜重和干重 [g 植物-1 ] 和根干重 [g 植物-1 ] 没有显着影响。在第二次收获 (120 DAT) 时,与 0.5 和 5.0 mM NaCl 相比,15.0 mM NaCl 显着降低了根和叶的鲜重和干重,而不会影响每株植物的叶片数量,而 10 mM NaCl 对这些参数中的任何一个都没有影响。叶片中K +、Ca 2+、Mg 2+和P的浓度不受盐度水平的影响,而有机-N 和NO 3 -的浓度不受盐度水平的影响。10 和 15 mM NaCl、90 DAT 显着降低了 -N。此外,10 和 15 mM NaCl 显着增加了叶子中的 Cl -和 Na +浓度,但不增加根中的浓度。在根组织中,只有钾浓度因盐度而降低,而磷在最高盐度水平(15 mM NaCl)时增加。基于这些结果,我们得出结论S. hispanicus L. 对中等盐度水平具有弹性,可以被认为是引入无土种植系统的有希望的候选植物。
