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JICA’s Activities in Afghanistan
Asia-Pacific Review ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-18 , DOI: 10.1080/13439006.2022.2055406
Arai Kazuhisa

As Chief Representative of the Afghanistan Office of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) from 2019 to 2021, the author looks back and tries to analyze the organization’s activities in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2021 in order to prepare upcoming cooperation for Afghanistan. He found that perseverance and emphasis of work in the field with the Afghan people are characteristics of JICA, which brought both fruits and limits. He also stressed the importance of securing human resources in Afghanistan nurtured during these 20 years of cooperation, as they are the key to the future of the country.



作为日本国际协力机构(JICA)阿富汗办事处2019-2021年首席代表,笔者回顾并尝试分析该组织2001-2021年在阿富汗的活动,为即将到来的阿富汗合作做准备。他发现,在阿富汗人民的实地工作中坚持不懈和重视是JICA的特点,它既带来了成果,也带来了局限。他还强调了确保阿富汗在这 20 年合作中培养的人力资源的重要性,因为他们是该国未来的关键。
